Into the Depths (NEW) Chapter One

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I never wanted to go on this trip with my father. I did not like fishing nor did I like being on a boat going "Deep" sea fishing. I wasn't the type to leave land, the thought of it made me sick. I was a great swimmer in a pool but 10'ft was my limit anything larger or open like the ocean I would not go near and now I had no choice. I got the news we were leaving three days ago and now I was packing for the trip. I had to be up by 4: 35 a.m. to be on the boat and ready to go. I looked around my small room my suit case laying open and empty on my bed. I went to my dresser. What exactly do you pack for a deep sea trip? I went to my dresser and looked through the drawers. First I grabbed my swim suits. I was on the school swim team so I had three sport bathing suits and I packed all three. I grabbed my favorite white and dark blue and white tank tops. I grabbed two pairs of dark jean shorts, three pairs of dark jeans, two sweater one blue one gray and a mesh black top. I folded them military style like my older brother had taught me so I could fit more things in my suit case. I packed a bunch of batteries and my water proof camera. My father said if the weather was nice I could dive into the fish pools on the boat and takes pictures of the fish and record and catalogue them for him. That was about the only thing I was looking forward to. I looked down at my kitten who was pawing at my leg and trying to climb my jeans. She is a pretty grey and white her name is Minnow. She loves fish for an odd reason and the name stuck since she is so small. I smiled and took a picture of her with the camera before packing it away. I picked her up and kissed her head she was purring I love her a lot she is great company. As I set her down I put my sketch books and drawing supplies in water proof bags and packed them in the suit case and shut it setting it by my bed. I was in my pajama's but figured I should change before bed so in the morning all I have to do is throw on my shoes and fix my hair. I changed into a pair of tights which were white and a set of my distressed dark blue jeans. I pulled on a white mesh top and then a blue tank top over it. and my mixed matched socks one bright yellow the other a deep purple. I set my tennis shoes up by my bed turned out my light and went to bed I felt Minnow crawl up onto my shoulder between my head and my neck and curled up. I smiled and fell asleep.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock I did not feel Minnow anymore no doubt she had left to go sleep elsewhere. I looked at the alarm it was 4:00 a.m. I had to start getting ready so I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I brushed my teeth and put my hair back into a pony tail looking at my reflection. I looked tired and had bags under my eyes. I went back and put my shoes on. I looked for Minnow and could not find her. That upset me but I pulled on my grey jacket and went out to the car. My father was already packing the suit cases and drinking coffee he handed me a hot chocolate. It was a chilly morning and I loved hot chocolate and he knew it. I stuck my suitcase in the trunk just before he slammed it shut and locked up the house. I grabbed my seat after yelling shot gun just because I felt like it. After I buckled up my father was driving down the street towards the highway where we would catch 180 all the way to the pier. I sipped the hot chocolate and heard a soft meow. I looked in the back seat and there was Minnow in a cage. Dad? why is Minnow with us? I asked confused. At the Dock I have a good friend who will take Minnow home with him and watch her while we are gone he responded he sounded tired. Ok I mumbled not happy that someone else would be near my cat. I was just off on things like that what’s mine is mine and what ever is your keep it the hell away from what’s mine. When we got to the pier I did not stop to see what went on first call first serve I grabbed my suitcase and boarded the ship. I got first pick of my room since I was the first one to think of it. I went below deck and picked one right next to a underwater window. I looked out at the murky water. I was hoping I could get some fish pictures from it on our trip. I also packed a bunch of beef jerky in a bag. I loved beef jerky I stashed it under my pillow and unpacked some blankets making my bed and setting my suitcase on top of it stating I called it. I walked out to go see my father boarding and that they were untying the boat to get ready to leave port. I walked up to my father and he began to introduce me to the crew. There was the Capitan Mr. Willis. First mate Mr. Brooks. and a few other crew member I did not care for right at the moment. I just flat out said it in the middle of introductions. I'm going to bed I said and walked off. I heard my Father apologizing for me but he knew I was tired I shut the door to my cabin and climbed into my bed and fell asleep. I think it was called a bunk but I was not sure. As the Darkness engulfed me bright colors see’s to appear in my dream. I was swimming it was bright out and I could see the sun sparkling off the waves. I was in the sea and I was a fish at least I think I was. I looked around at the brightly colored creatures around me and stopped to look around. I have had this dream before but this one was different. As I swam along I heard calls but did not know from where so I did not stop. then I felt it. The presence of something big and I was scared. I looked over my shoulder and there was a shark swimming at me jaws opened. I swam for my life I swam faster and faster darting through the water. I heard the calls again but I could not slow down I felt the jaws of the beast come around me and as the jaws snapped shut I awoke. I was covered in a cold sweat and I laid there for a second my chest heaving. I could feel the ship bob up and down in the water and I looked out at the window it was barely visible but I could tell we were moving and the water was lighter so it was day at least. As I got up from my bunk and headed upstairs to the deck to find my father and the captain in the other room discussing latitude and longitude and location. I had found out it would be two days before we reached our destination and that right at the moment it was only 12.43 p.m. I sighed everyone was busy and I had nothing to do so I went below deck to the kitchen . The cook Mr. Horne was busy working on dinner and I was glad I brought the beef jerky. I talked to him a bit about if he ever needed help in the kitchen and he blatantly said no go enjoy the trip I have this. I left back to my cabin upset that he was just so rude. I pulled my sketch book and a piece of charcoal out. I was going to draw for a bit and I began to work away at a sketch idea of a mermaid. As I began sketching the body I paid careful attention to the anatomy and design I was incorporating into my drawing. I wanted her to look as realistic as possible. I then began at the bottom of the tail up. I added fins and an upright structure to my mermaid. I applied some scratches as if she had fled from something big and a soft transition from the tail into the torso. I curved wear her breasts would be like that of a woman’s but I added gills to her neck and a fin from the base of her head down her back. I drew her hair like the structure of a jelly fish in a way it was a clear light see through blue which dark blue tentacle coils threw it. I made her with large eyes for the fact its dark under water and that it would help with sight. As I looked down at my sketch I noticed how she resembled a human but how se belonged to the sea. I set my sketch book down and got up. I think it is time for me to go for a walk. I was still abit tired but I needed some fresh air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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Into the Depths (NEW) Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now