Guidance To Light [Tomatt]

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"Hope is like a strand of light when someone feels like there is no issue and feels in the complete darkness. Then a strand of light appears, and we come back to life, and begin to hope again."


[Slight swearing ahead!]

"Guys can you please calm down??"

Edd would hopelessly plead, watching in dismay as the two rivals fought against each other, yelling the first insults that came into their mind about the other person; "You're a commie asshole!" Tom hissed, "Yeah, well, you're a fucking alcoholic!" Tord would growl in response, snarling his teeth as his face grew bright red with anger. "You literally tried to kill us and then you have the fucking decency to come back here and feed off Edd's trust and kindness!" The eyeless male would rant, his voice progressively increasing in volume to the point where it even had a few cracks here and there. "You know what, Thomas? You are a peice of shit! You wake up at rediclous hours in the afternoon, eat, drink, yell at people your incorrect opinions and then go back to sleep, yet, you say I'm the one taking advantage of Edd's kindness-!" The Norwegian would protest, Edd stepping in almost immediately.

"Tom. Tord. Go to your rooms." He commanded simply like the mother he was, attempting to remain calm as he watched as the two males hesitantly retreated to their own rooms. Tom entered his room, slamming the door behind him, only to hear a loud shriek followed by the dropping of an object; it was Matt, or, as Tord referred to him, the 'Narcissistic freak'. "Matt. What are you doing in my room?" He would ask, attempting to remain calm and not yell at the innocent ginger male. "O-Oh! I was just... l-looking for my mirror!" Matt would reassure, smiling awkwardly like he always did when he was lying.

"Okay? And what did you drop?" Tom furthered, glancing down at the floor to see something glowing brightly behind his desk.

"I-It's nothing!" Matt would reassure, becoming a little defensive as to not want his small suprise being ruined. Obviously, Tom was not pleased one bit and walked over to his desk, lightly pushing Matt out the way only to find a glowing jar, causing him to arch his eyebrows and examine it more closely; inside the jar, there were tiny glowing insects that would usually lit up the night, reminding Tom of the time when he and the ginger had gotten lost in the woods near their house and used the tiny fireflies as guidance. "What is this?" He would question, lifting the jar up so Matt could see, "W-Well normally you fight with Tord a lot so I thought you'd want something that'd calm you down..." He would admit, twiddling his thumbs as he awaited Tom's response. Instead of giving a response, Tom would walk over to his bed stand, moving some of his worthless items out of the way before gently placing down the glowing jar, watching closely as the orange and yellow hues would slowly flicker, the light dimly lighting the cold dark room. Matt would walk over to Tom, sitting by him and copying his actions.

Then a feeling arose in his body, filling his chest and causing his cheeks to flush, it was like a mixture of enthusiasm and genuine love that seemingly overpowered the horrible dark thoughts and emotions he would feel on a daily basis. It was hope. He glanced over at Matt, realising that it wasn't the fireflies giving him hope, the tiny glowing insects only showed him where the love, appreciation, enthusiasm, and above all, hope, was coming from... It was from that same, happy-go-lucky ginger he would see almost everyday of his life; Matt. Hesitantly, he would wrap an arm around the taller Brit, gently leaving a small kiss on his freckled cheek before resting his head on his shoulder.

If this was the aftermath of a fight with Tord, then he could get used to this...

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