Michael Clifford Imagine

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*"You can't just leave Michael!" I shouted. "Why the hell not?! I'm going to follow my dreams! You should be happy for me! I will be back after a while!" Michael said angrily. Tears started to steam down my face. I wanted to tell him why I didn't want him to leave but I was too scared. "If you get on that plane tomorrow..." I choked back a sob. "Consider us over Michael." I turned and walked away but quickly ran back to where Michael was standing and gave him a kiss that I knew would be our last; and walked away.*

Every single morning I wake up and remember that night. And I regret not telling him why I didn't want him to leave. Maybe if I had, he wouldn't have left the next day.

I haven't talked to him since that night. No text. No calls. Nothing. Sometimes I wonder if he ever thinks about me.

I stare out my window. It's a beautiful day today. Sun shining, birds singing, a light breeze blowing through the trees. It's Mikey and I's favorite kind of day. I look down at my very swollen belly, feel a light kick and rub circles on it. "You like these days too eh Annabeth?" I ask my belly. "If only your daddy knew that you liked it too. He would be so happy." I said smiling. But he's happy right now, I thought to myself. On tour with his band. Getting bigger and bigger with their amazing music.

I got up and took a shower; dressing in Mikey's old blue tank top and my running shorts, after. I put my blonde hair up in a messy bun and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I walked downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal. Lucky charms, the only cereal Annabeth liked. Any other kind I ate soon came back up.
When I was done I slipped on my running shoes, with some difficulty. I couldn't really see my feet due to my ready-to-pop baby "bump". I walked out the door and started to jog down the side walk.

"Hey how are you Delilah?" I called to my neighbor while jogging past. "I'm doing good! How are you? And how's the baby?" She asked. "We're both great. It won't be long now until we can see her." I smiled. "Well the best of luck to you dear." She said waving to me as I turned the corner.

When I got home I jumped on my couch and turned on Netflix. "How about The Hunger Games Annabeth?"

Halfway through the movie my doorbell started to ring. "Coming!" I shout. I push myself off the couch and walk to my door. I open it and look up. I almost have my baby right then and there I'm so shocked. I quickly grab my stomach just to be totally sure I'm not in labor. I can also see the shock in his eyes.

"Michael? What are you doing here?" I say hoping my vocal chords don't give up on me. "I was in town and I started thinking about you and I thought I'd stop in. Um- wha- your-" he scratches the back of his head clearly speechless at the sight of my pregnancy. "You should come in," I say moving out of the way. "So I can explain."
"No, I don't want to bother you or your boyfriend." He says clearly not putting the pieces together. "Michael, I don't have a boyfriend. Please come in." He nods and walks in.

We walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table. "Soo.. what's up?" He asks awkwardly. "I'm pregnant-" I start to say. "I see that." He laughs, kind of a disappointed one. "-with your baby Michael." I finish. His head shoots up and his eyes meet mine and grow wide. "What.." He whispers. "The night when you dropped the bomb that you were leaving, and I tried to stop you, it was because I had just found out I was pregnant. I didn't want you to leave me here alone. But I was too scared to tell you. And I'm so sorry Michael." I say and start to cry. "No." Michael says and his facial expression is stiff. "I'm sorry. I feel terrible that I haven't been here to help you. It's my fault that you're like this and I should've been here to do anything I could. I wish I was here to watch you grow and cuddle you when things got tough-" he got up and kneeled in front of me. "I'm so sorry I left." He says. He puts his hands on my belly and looks up at me. I nod. He lifts up my shirt and reveals my stomach. He starts to rub my belly and it's like Annabeth knows it's her daddy. She starts tossing and turning under his touch. Michael's eyes start to tear up. He looks up at me and smiles. "Boy or girl?" He asks. "Girl. Annabeth." I say. He nods and gently kisses my belly. He stands up and reaches down to help me stand. "I'm so sorry I left. You should've told me. The whole time I was away, I thought about you. And I couldn't believe that we were over. I missed you so much that I wouldn't sleep for days. I don't deserve a second chance. But I'm going to ask for one just in case there is any hope left for us. Can I be your boyfriend again, and be the proper daddy to your- our baby?" He asks. By now I was quietly sobbing. I nodded my head yes and threw my arms around him. "I missed you so much Michael!" I cried. "Shhh. I missed you too babe. It's alright now. I'm here to be the best daddy and boyfriend I can be." He whispered while rubbing my belly softly. We walked upstairs into my room and laid down. Michael pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me and sang softly. And I drifted off to sleep with the love of my life.

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