Leah Cartwright's Diary

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"Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz" the sound that wakes me every morning. After what I call 2 hours of thinking about how dull my life is. I could throw that alarm clock at the wall every single morning, but I know I'd never get out of bed ever again.

After my breakfast of cornflakes I get dressed and dread the long day ahead. The cafe is only round the corner. But I think about so many things on my way to work. I wish I could say it was anything exciting, but the extent is what I'm going to watch on TV that night. That's probably just a bit more exciting than what I'll have for dinner for the rest of the week!

Then I open the door and hear that bell thing that they have on so you know when people come in. Every time it goes off I think, another customer calling me waitress. I do have a name you know! It's Leah by the way, and this is my diary.
Life was dull and boring until one Saturday afternoon...

Saturday, 5th March 2014
A usual morning of wanting to break my alarm clock, eating my cornflakes and getting dressed for work. The same as every other day of the year. I do live such an exciting life!

This morning on my way to work I thought about the chances of me meeting someone. Someone who even gave me the chance of day. Maybe, they would smile at me and make small chat. But, the chances of that happening were very slim.

Then I arrived at work. That annoying bell that makes my skin crawl went off. I then hung my plain bag and my dull jacket on my hook, and put on my black apron. Everything as boring as normal.

The cafe was empty other than one boy sat in the corner. The other waitress Ali (who never actually does any work, she just flirts with every boy in the cafe) was with him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what she was doing. So, I went over to ask him if he wanted a drink, but I knocked over a jug of water. Ali didn't even notice, being the helpful person she is.

I was trying to clean up the broken glass and the boy came over. I couldn't believe what he said to me, "can you keep the noise down I'm trying to have a conversation with that waitress." I could have said so many things to him, if only I wouldn't lose my job.

The rest of the day went normal after he left. But, I've never had such a rude person in my life!

When I got home I watched TV, had my boring dinner and finally went to bed. Life could not be any more exciting! (Sarcasm by the way). Hopefully I will never have to see him every again, but with my luck I don't see that happening.

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