15) New start

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3rd POV

The battle between the two guilds, Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, is over. Thanks to Master Makarov using one of the Great Fairy Spells, Fairy law, and little (Y/N), or more said Galexia, for making sure that others from the guild or the town won't be affected by Fairy Law. The reason why Phantom Lord members were spared, is because there are some of the Phantom members that have the heart and soul, but they just need time or a push to the right path of life.

''How is (Y/N)-chan doing, Polyushka?'' Ask Makarov, entering the forest cabin. The poor little girl fell into a little coma, for using so much power at the same time, while being already weakened before Galexia took over. It is not as bad as Makarov, when he had his magic drained, but she is still unconscious, while her keys are glowing on the nightstand beside her. The spirits want their princess to hold their gate keys, to feel her and make sure she is safe. Makarov believes there is some kind of a dark past, buried in the spirits' hearts. Something they can't let happen again.

''Still sleeping, but recovering just fine. She should wake up soon.'' Answer Polyushka. She would normally be mad, but (Y/N) makes her somehow calm. ''I still don't know about this 'Galexia', you told me about, but we should thank her for helping.''

''You are right.'' Agree Makarov and look at the young child, that has grown a big spot in his heart. She is like a granddaughter to him, just like Laxus.

''Maybe it is time to help train her and not her spirits, or at least let her take more jobs, so she can get stronger faster. Her magic is growing within a second for each time she uses magic. Help her get stronger without hurting her happiness.'' Ordered the medic, nothing more than (Y/N) to have a happy childhood.

''I know. And don't go give me order.'' Yelled Makarov back. That loud noises wake up the sleeping girl. (Y/N) groaned and slowly open her eyes, but closed them because of the light.

''Grandpa?'' Muttered (Y/N) and sat up, rubbing her sleeping left eye, to better adjust the light. Makarov gives (Y/N) a warm smile and walk closer to her.

''Oh, (Y/N). Slept well? Are you well enough to go home? We are going to rebuild our guild and think you should have the honor to make the building design with Mira-chan.'' Says Makarov, bringing some joy to (Y/N). (Y/N) gets all moved by hearing such a thing and carefully gets out of the bed. She remembers the guild getting destroyed, but hearing this makes her happy. Because that means the family stays together and rebuilds our home. Polyushka takes a quick moment to check (Y/N), to be sure she is alright, before handing her a piece of candy.

''You are ready to go back, just be careful fore some days, okay.'' Says Polyushka and sit back on her chair by the main table.

''Okay, grandma.'' Cheered (Y/N) and reached out for her keyring. She grabs them and feels a warm energy coming from the keys, which makes her happy, then follows Makarov out of the cabin and back to Magnolia.

*Time skip*


After hearing what had happened, while I was gone for a week, am I kind of happy it is over. Not only my family, but also my spirits, have told me about the Galexia episode. I tried asking my spirit, but they won't say anything more than what happened to me. I remember pieces of that day. Someone took control of my body and magic and did the protection spell for me, but it resulted in me being asleep for an entire week. But I feel like something is wrong with my spirits and it is probably about Galexia, but I won't ask anymore further.

''What do you think of our new guild design?'' Ask Mirajane, pulling me out of my thoughts, and show me her drawing of the future guild. It is like a castle, and I always wanted to be in one.

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