To the rescue

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This is a one shot for heavy crowns competition macklemcvey
Harry's POV
I had everything ready for our little picnic. I was trying so hard to impress my little dragon and eventually have a special space in her heart.

I walked to our chambers and knocked on the door. I heard Reina saying come in and I smiled being ready for our little get away together.

"My princess, since I am the best husband you could ever have I thought we could go for a picnic. What do you say?" I grinned like a little child and she chuckled.

"Well my prince and the best husband I could ever have , I think I will say yes" she answered and smiled.

"Well then get ready little dragon."I kissed her forehead and left.

When I had all things ready for the picnic and our horses were ready she came down looking absolutely stunning.

I am such a lucky b@stard.
Her hair was up into a ponytail and her dress was hugging her body so amazing showing every curve on her body. I think I found myself drooling over my beautiful wife.

"Ready little dragon ?" I asked and she climbed on her horse smiling.

"Come on let's go Harry" she said already up and ready to leave.

I climbed in my horse too and showed the way.

We were almost there and when I saw the waterfall I stopped.

I was about to help her get down when she jumped and got down herself. She smiled at me and I unpacked everything for our little picnic.

Of course I had brought lots of honey cake. I smiled at her and brought my hand to her beautiful face.

"Are you happy my princess?"

"Of course I am Harry you are the best" she kissed the inside of my hand and I grinned.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" I asked smirking a little since I knew she would be naked underneath the water.

"Yeah sure " she said and got up to undress herself. She was naked in almost two minutes and I was watching her in pure awe. I will never get tired of her delicate body.

I got up and undressed myself so we were both naked.

"Let's go " I grabbed her hand and we went in front of the waterfall ready to jump in.

Reina's POV

We were about to jump when Harry tripped and fell into the water.

At first I was laughing but after a while he was coming back in surface so I became worried.

I dived into the water and saw him unconscious in the water. I panicked and swim to him. I grabbed his hand and started swimming to the surface.

I got out and helped him get out too still unconscious. He was heavy damn.

I tried to hear his heart beating but nothing. I didn't know what to do so I pushed his chest with all my strength.

I did it once , twice and he started coughing. He opened his eyes and when I saw those green eyes I was about to cry thinking I had almost lost him.

I started crying and he hugged me.

"Hey hey I am fine " he said and coughed.

"You were about to die in there if I lose you I don't know how I am going to
Survive Harry don't you ever do this to me , Ever again" I cried more and hugged him tightly.

"Little dragon you are not going to lose me , you are not going to get rid of me
so easily" he chuckled and made me look at his face.

He looked my eyes and then my lips and he smiled. I closed my eyes and he kissed me with such love and passion that I felt weak.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We stopped in need for air and I run my fingers through his hair.

"We should go home love" he told and I agreed. We got dressed and before I was about to climb on my horse he grabbed me and kissed my cheek and whispered to me.

"I want to make love to you today little dragon" I smiled and nodded.

We laughed and after we shared a kiss we climbed on our horses and went back to the castle ready for an unforgettable night.

To the rescueWhere stories live. Discover now