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Hello to anyone (if anyone) that reads this story :)

I'm not expecting anyone to ever read this story let alone the disclaimer but in case anyone does, thank you so much for at least making it this far. 

Please be kind, this is the first time any of my stories will be venturing into the big, wide world as I haven't ever let anyone read any of my stories before. Please keep in mind that because I have held onto them privately for so long, they are quite special to me and if there is any unwarranted negativity I will take it personally. That being said constructive criticism is much appreciated.

Please bear with me and the pacing of this story. I know a lot of people want to cut to the chase quickly and get straight into the guts of the story but I’m a firm believer of getting to know someone or something properly, setting a foundation so you can build a connection with that person or character so that everything seems more believable and you can connect to it more on a personal level.

Any who, I hope that this hasn’t scared y’all away and you continue to read and hopefully enjoy this story.

Thank you so much!!! xoxo

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