Chapter 1

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( Flashbacks/ Author's Note/ POV )

Jamie's POV

I cannot believe I got myself into this situation. I don't know how I could've been so fucking stupid. Why didn't I just say it wasn't mine?

It was raining outside when Jamie was on his way home. He had to stay after school to talk to his principal about his "bad behavior". So he was now walking, in the rain, alone. He felt so stupid for not just skipping out on their little discussion, even though it wasn't very little at all. He got yelled at pretty much the entire time. Talking about how he could do better and he isn't a bad guy. It was all bullshit though, and he knew it. As Jamie is walking down the street, his mom passed him in her car. Of course she had to see her son walking, and of course she stopped the car. Jamie did not want to get in that car. He did not want to talk to his mom. He did not want to talk about what his mom found earlier in the day. But luck was not on his side today, considering he climbed into the passenger seat and sat there waiting for her to speak. When she didn't say anything, Jamie decided to speak. "Mom I know it seems bad but I promise it's not". His mom looked at him like he had just killed her dog. He knew she wouldn't approve of it, but he wanted to try anyway. She finally decided to speak up. "Jamie I found a pacifier in your bed and you want to tell me that it's nothing bad! I don't know who you are anymore. Your grades are slipping, you're acting out, and now you're using pacifiers. I will not let you do this to yourself. Me and your father are taking you to Grassy Creek in the morning". Saying Jamie was shocked is an understatement. All he could do is look at her bewildered at what she had said. As his mom was driving, his heart was breaking. His family didn't want him anymore.

Looking down at his lap, all Jamie could do was feel ashamed. Ashamed of his heart, ashamed of his mind, ashamed of himself. He felt ashamed of who he is. He did nothing wrong, but everyone is telling him he is. The only funny thing is that he'll never get out of the hospital, because nothing is really wrong with him. He can't be cured or healed. He can't have treatment or surgery. Because doctors can't fix what isn't broken. Jamie is completely normal. He just doesn't think he is. Because Jamie is a little.

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