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I bolted upright as the sound of my alarm rang through my room, school time great. I thought getting out of bed and grabbing the uniform I had to wear. I couldn't believe I was being sent to a stupid private school to finish three more years of middle school. Grade 6 seemed horrible especially because I would stand out so much from not having an accent like all the other British people have in this town. Crawley is a small quiet town I don't enjoy it because I'm used to falling asleep to city noises this just seems too odd.

I got into my uniform and put on some light make up which I rarely did but I figured it would probably give me a better chance to make friends so I did. I put my hair up into a neat bun and walked down to the kitchen slowly. My older brother Kyle greeted me "hey (insert stupid nickname)" he smirks teasing me "oh shut up Kylie" he groans and tries to ignore me but I could see it was bugging him "wanna borrow one of my dresses Kylie for your date tonight?" My dad turns around sipping his coffee "lay off (y/n) don't you have a bus to catch?" He asks pointing at the clock.

I looked at the clock and almost screamed "CRUD I GOTTA GO" I waved to my brother and Dad and ran out the door down the sidewalk and straight to the bus stop. When I got there I saw a group of girls talking about make up. "Oh hey! You are the new girl aren't you?" One of them says with a friendly smile "yeah! I'm (y/n)" I grinned "well I'm Hailey, this is Makenna and that's Sarah" she says they all wave and I wave back. "Wanna sit with us?" Hailey asks I nod and we go to sit down.

Hailey looks at me "are you wearing make up? " she asks curiously "yeah" I answer Sarah gasps "you are so lucky! My dad and mom won't let me wear anything unless it's Christmas. But I only get to wear lipgloss" she frowns slightly and smiles again. "Me too. I wish I could wear make up" Makenna says "yeah I'm kinda not allowed to wear it but I don't think my dad noticed I had it on." I laugh they all laugh with me. All of sudden a voice is heard from behind us and Hailey frowns "hi Stuart" she groans slightly rolling her eyes. I turn around to see a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes staring at me. "Uh hi! Who are yew?" He asks smiling "that's (y/n) she is the new student in our class." Hailey says I could hear the annoyance in her voice but Stuart didn't seem to.

"Oh well that's a beautiful name... I like it a lot" Stuart says blushing "look we don't really have time to talk Stu-Pot we were having a girls only conversation" Sarah says rolling her eyes and laughing. Stuart smiles and sits down on the further side of the bench still looking at me. "Stu! Eyes on someone else please! You are making her uncomfortable" Stuart smiles and looks at the ground. Hailey looks at me and sighs she lowers her voice "that's Stu-Pot he's alittle bit of a cry baby plus he doesn't understand most things I'm not saying avoid him but unless you want to explain everything you say to him don't hang with him to much." Hailey says "does he have friends?" I ask looking out of the corner of my eye to see Stu looking at us curiously "well uh... He will tag along with some of the boys but they are rude and pretend he isn't there. Sometimes he doesn't have anyone and just sits behind the building singing to himself. " she says shrugging as the bus pulls up. I sigh and look at him and he gets up and trips and falls flat on his face. "Owww my face" he starts to cry. Sarah rushes over to him and whispers something to him and he hugs her, "come on buddy don't embarrass yourself again" she says rolling her eyes as she walks past me and mouthing 'he does this all the time' she pushes him gently to get on the bus and comes back to us.

"Gosh I wonder how much his parents baby him." I say the girls shrug and we get on the bus. "Hailey!! Sit with me!" A girl says in the back "uh crud (y/n) I will see you at school.. I promised Emily I would sit with her" she sighs and walks to the back. I looked around to see no seat available except where Stuart was sitting. I walked over to him "can I sit here?" He blushes and nods not saying a thing. I smile and sit down as the bus starts driving away. "I never properly introduced myself. I'm Stuart Pot yew can call me Stu, Stu-Pot or just Stuart. " he smiles holding out his hand, I gladly shake it and smile "I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)" he laughs slightly "what a pretty name" he mumbles even though I could still hear him. "Thank you" I blush he looks at me surprised "yew heard me?" I nod and he blushes like crazy "you okay Stu?" I ask confused "yeh! Just gotta take a wee" he says I kinda gave him a disgusted look because he turned away and didn't talk to me for the rest of the bus ride.

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