Chapter: The one that could change your life

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Or at least, hopefully, your day. Look, I know this is coming from a stranger and someone you have likely never met, but If you just keep fighting I promise it will pay off. It's hard to believe and I know that, trust me. I have nights and days and weeks where I feel like I would be better off dead, but if I was, who would take care of my cat? Who would ask my aunt about her day, because god knows nobody else does. Who would show kindness to the little puppy on the street who just needed a little love? No matter who you are, I promise you; Someone will miss you. It may be the bus driver who always smiles at you, or the lady in the shop who loves your hair and likes seeing you. Or it could be your pet, or the shy kid in school that you smile at because you feel like they need someone and honestly it's just a smile but to that kid you're the reason they kept going that day. You may think you won't have a big effect, but i promise you, You will. I think the best advice I can give is this; You don't need to change the world. Nor do you need to change someone's life. If you can change someone's day for the better, than you have done more good than you can ever imagine. You have the ability to be incredible and world changing, and all it takes is a smile at a stranger.

I try to live my life like that, thinking that I can change the places I go for the better. Or at least, I can do some good for the people there. I just try to be a little bit of good in people's lives, as much as I can. Trust me, kindness is worth it. I would rather be kind than anything else. But anyway, they point for this chapter is that you are an incredible, talented, smart, amazing person. And if you were looking for a reason to stay alive today, this is it. Because whether you realize it or not, someone will always miss you. 

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