Chapter 1

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I was running through the woods, jumping over logs, pushing my legs as fast as they can go, trying to get away from the monsters, I heard them running behind me yelling at each other to get me.

I quicken my pace, my very thin legs went as fast as they could. I felt the coldness of the rain as it hit my face hard as I ran faster.

The footsteps of the monsters running behind me faded away which caused a big smile to appear on my face. Until, I heard a howl, I need to get out of the woods, I thought, but it was to late I looked behind me and saw a wolf chasing me, I screamed as I tripped over a log, and hit my head off of a rock. I groaned as I tried to look around, my vison was very blurry. Instead of seeing a wolf, I saw the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen in my life, followed with tingles all over my body, then everything when black.

Landon's POV

"Landon!" My trust worthy pack member Dave yelled as he ran into my office. "There is someone on our territory!" he added. "What?!" I questioned, no one dares to lay a foot on my territory, not in a million years have someone stepped foot on it. I storm out of my office, ready to shift at any moment. "But we can't tell what it is." His sentence made me stop in my tracks and turn around to face him. "what exactly do you mean?"  He was silent as he looked around, as if he is hiding something from me.

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked again, this time getting closer to him. "We think it's human." He finally answered as he played with his fingers, I laughed loudly at his answer. "No rogue has ever laid foot on my territory let alone a human." I said while trying to control my laugh.

"Alpha she does not smell like a wolf, I can smell wolfs on her, but I am positive she is human girl." My Beta Bentley mind linked me. Bentley was and is never wrong. "shit" I cursed as I ran out of my pack house. "Scare her off our territory, do not show our human form!" I mind linked to the pack worriers and my Beta.

I howled as I shifted into my wolf form letting my pack know to go. I ran as fast as I could, my fur flowing through the wind as the rain fell on it. I stopped and sniffed the air to pick up her sent, but all I could smell were strawberry's mixed with vanilla. My wolf was trying to take over and run to the delicious smell, but I had to try and find this girl.

I looked around and saw my pack running in the direction of the amazing sent which caused me to growl. 'Mate' was all I needed to hear from my wolf to dash off towards the sent.

"Mine! She's my mate don't touch her or else!" I yell through mind link causing all the wolfs to fall back. I was now in the lead trying to find my mate.

"She's over here!" Bentley mind linked me. I ran straight for him, shifting back to my human form as I saw my mate on the ground wearing nothing but a large shirt with blood on her head. I quickly picked her up and looked into her eyes, I let out a gasp as I saw her purple eyes just before they closed.

"Get the pack doctor!" I yelled as I ran back to the house with my mate in my arms.

                                                                                     *  *  *

Bentley decided to stay at the pack hospital with me as I waited in the waiting room even though I didn't want him to. "She's is going to be okay." He said for the 100th time, but I couldn't stop pacing back and forth. It has been 5 hours and they still haven't told me if she was okay.

Soon another hour past, "What is taking so long!" I yelled as I punched a whole into the wall. "Calm down Landon, they should be almost done by now." Bentley said as he ran over to me, I tightened my fist trying not to punch him. "Why should I trust you anyway!" I yelled getting into his face. "You're the one I found beside her as she was bleeding out! How do I know you didn't do this!" I added as I felt my eyes turn black.

"Why would I hurt our future Luna?" He asked as I saw a tear fall from his eye. I took a deep breath, Bentley would never do anything like that.  "Sorry." I mumble quietly.

The doctor came out causing me to run over to him "Where is she??" I asked, He said nothing, he only gave me a sad smile. "Where is she?!" I asked again.

"She is in room 103, she had a bad hit to the head. I did the best I could, but I am afraid she might have some memory loss. I am not sure how much until she awakes." I took a deep breath. It was a big relief that she's okay, but I couldn't help but feel terrible about her memory's.

"Can I see her?" I asked, I really need to see her and make sure she's okay with my own eyes. "There is something else I need to tell you Alpha." Doctor Steff said, "I don't know where she came from, but of the looks of it, she was not treated right." He added, "What do you mean?" I asked, hoping he doesn't mean what I think he does. He looks around the waiting room, which caused me to follow his eyes, everyone was looking at us, well of course until I looked at them.

"walk with me." He said as he started walking back where he came from. "Bentley I want you to go watch over my mate, no one goes into her room but me." I mind linked him, he nodded and followed behind me through the doors. "Where is he going?" the Doc asked as Bentley went a different direction then us. "To look over my mate." I answered, causing him to laugh a little. "Enough, I want to know what you meant out there." I said as I stopped walking. "Of course." he said, "She seems to be very skinny, so skinny I could see most of her bones." He added causing me to growl.

"Alpha with all do respect you need to calm down so I can tell you everything. Your mate is and will be okay here, she is safe and asleep. I promise you that." He said which calmed my wolf and I down. "Now, by the looks of her weight, she hasn't eaten in maybe a week or two. I saw that she had a couple of broken bones, bruises, and a lot of previous cuts, burn marks, and more." I couldn't hold my anger in much longer, I growled loudly causing the whole hospital to shake, "How dare someone lay a hand on my mate!" I yelled as I walked away from the Doctor, I needed to see my mate and make sure she's okay. I will never let anyone or anything hurt her ever again.

                                                                             PLEASE READ!

I am very sorry if it does take me a while to publish, I love writing on my free time but unfortunately I hardly have any, so for that I am sorry,  I am also sorry if the first few chapters are to slow or fast, but I promise they will get better! Thanks for choosing my story! I hope you enjoy!

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