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"You don't understand Rafe, she told me dead people are hurting her!"

Melissa McCall was seething. She couldn't understand why her own husband was fighting her on this. Their daughter was struggling badly and she needed his support.

"You actually believe her Melissa? She's five years old, kids will make up any kind of shit like that!" Rafael yelled back at his wife in anger. He didn't understand why she believed the crap that their daughter had told her.

"How can you say that? She's our daughter! I believe her, you want to know why? Because my baby girl has been suffering since the day she was born Rafe! We never knew why and she just told me! We need to help her!"

While Rafael and Melissa fought downstairs, Scott was upstairs on his bed with his little sister curled into him, sobbing her heart out. He held her as tightly as he could, tears filling his own eyes. He knew that he had to ask her about what he heard his mother say.

He rested his head on top of his sisters, "What did mom mean about dead people hurting you Len?"

Lennox sobbed louder, gripping onto her brothers shirt like her life depended on it. Her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping on. She needed her family to believe her.

"I see these people Scotty. They tell me they're dead. Some of them have really scary faces. Like with blood on them. They scratch me and pull my hair and legs. I don't like them." Lennox begged her brother "Please Scotty you have to believe me!"

Scott looked at his sister, watching how vulnerable and broken she was. He thought back to when she was a baby. He was only one then but he knew something bothered her enough to make her cry that much all the time. He thought about the way she used to scream in terror in the middle of night for no reason. Now he knows the reason. As a six year old boy he should be completely freaked out by this information but he wasn't. His mother was teaching him to listen to his heart in situations like these.

So in that moment, Scott McCall decided he would listen to his heart and believe his sister.

That decision alone ultimately changed his life.


"Wow uh. You're okay though, right Nox?" The Stilinski boy watched his best friends sister with careful eyes. He had just been told Lennox, little baby Lennox can see dead people. To say that he was shocked was an understatement. At first he laughed but once he saw the serious look on Mrs. McCall's face, the pleading eyes from his best friend and the sniffling Lennox, he knew they were serious.

"Yeah I'm okay. Still scared though." she rubbed her nose with the back of her hand.

"I don't like that you're scared." Stiles put bluntly, in return receiving a soft smile from the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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