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 Her mind is her diary her thoughts are its pen. Each day she adds a new entry. she fills each page full of stories. Some tragedies others dreams. she writes her insecurites, which fill the pages each day. She  write her failures over and over agin. They never seem to end. she writes  her dreams that never seem to come true. And she writes of the fears that haunt her dreams. she writes of the nights that she lay awake remembering her day and its failures that seem to be the only thing she can remember. She writes her fears. Her fear of being alone. Alone the one word that scares her more than anything. She writes and writes. but what happens when writing isn t enough. What happens when all the thoughts and secrets over power.  What happens when the inner demon comes out and takes over. She breaks thats what happens. She snaps like a twig. The pressure and fear swallows her whole. She cries for help but no one comes. no one ever comes. Shes trapped in a nightmare. A nightmare she can never wake up from. She finds herself walking down a hall full of windows and doors. But when ever she tries to open them she finds them to be locked. No way out. She searches and searches for a way out. Then one day she finds a key to unlock, a way out. The key is small and shiny, it edges sharp. She uses the key to fix her mistakes and to calm her self. She hides the jey knowing no one would understand.Everynight it calls her back its soothing touch comforting her. One night though as she pulls out the key from its hiding place she takes  a long look at herself in the mirror.. She realizes she no longer recognizes herself. She looks at her once beautiful body now coverd in scars. She cries out in pain and throws her key away. Each night though it calls her back. Each night she answers. She has become its slave. and it her master.

        Another girl somewhere steps on a scale. The scale tells an answer she does'nt like. Each day she eats less and less. Each week she loses a pound or two but that isnt enough. She needs to be skinnier.  Each night she visits the bathroom and sticks her toothbrush down her throat. When she does this she gets skinnier and skinnier. 98 97 84 70 the numbers get lower and lower and she gets weaker and weaker.  One day she takes  a shower and blacks out. Shes taken to the doctors. They tell her death awaits her if she keeps visiting the bathroom but shes addicted. Each day she visits the bathroom. She is its mistress and she keeps comming back.

A boy somewher sits in a classroom. He sits in a classroom full of students who dont even know he's there. Invisible, thats what he is. Oer shadowed by his siblings he is never seen by his parents.  Each time he tries to show hes there he just get put on a shelf hidden from the world. Death death, the words keep wispering to him. Each night he goes unseen he becomes closer to death. He only wants to be seen. He only wants to be heard. Each unspocken word brings the angel of death closer.

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