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After hours of flying in the plane we finally were about to land, I had jet lag and my ears were hurting me so much. I Popped a chewing gum in my mouth but that never really works.

I watched a movie on the little tv, there was toy story on. Eh at least it would buy some time, I was getting really sick of planes.

We finally got off the plane and went to the house we were staying at! I couldn't wait to see how it looks.

We arrived to the house and pulled up in the driveway, I looked at the house and it was a big nice house I just wanted to go Inside and explore.

I ran upstairs to where I would be sleeping, it had a queen bed with a closet, desk and dresser. The walls were a cream colour and a nice chandelier was in the ceiling in the middle.

I unloaded all the things in my bag and couldn't wait to start my life here. I went to take a shower after unloading, I put on some denim shorts and a purple tank top.

Man was it hot altho it was just 10:00 in the morning. I decided to go have a little walk in the neighbourhood and see what's around.

"Okay honey don't be too long, do you need any money? Take what you need from my purse" said my mother. Well of course I need money

"okay bye mum see you later"

I grabbed 20 dollars and and headed out the house with my earphones and iPhone.

I was some what hungry so I decided to go to The local supermarket which was right down the street and get something, I wanted to be quick so I could go to the park and get some fresh air.

I walked in and headed to the bakery section, I got what I needed and went to pay for my things. Behind me in line was this stunning boy, I'm not even joking.

He had light brown hair with tips of blonde, and eyes as blue as the ocean. He was wearing skinny black jeans and a blue polo shirt. I think I was attracted to him a little too much.

C'mon well you don't see a hot guy everyday do you?

"Like what you see" said the hot boy.

"Uhhm" I could feel my face go red I didn't know what to say.

"Hi I'm Nash" he said with a smile I could get lost in

"Im Chantelle .. Chantelle iris" I said a little shy

"Are you new here or something?" Nash asked curiously

"Yes actually I am I arrived here just this morning, I'm gonna be living here because of my mums work and stuff."I said not wanting to like explain my life story

"Oh then I'll see you around!" He said, "what's your number, ill message you and we can go out sometime aye?"

I wrote it down in his notes and told him goodbye, and payed for my things.

I walked out and was smiling like I had just won a lottery, I could tell I was smiling like a doofus because I kept getting all these glares from people.

I headed to the nearest park and sat on a bench and ate my iced donut and chocolate milk.

I can't believe some hot guy would actually want to go out sometime with a loser like me

Thanks god you've really done it this time I thought

"So what do you think of Cali Chantelle " my mum asked as I headed inside of the house.

"It's great. Really great" I said, still smiling and thinking about what happened today.


Second chapter

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I finished this chapter early so I might aswell publish it

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