A Jar Of Fireflies

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  • Dedicated to My Mother, My Inspiration

Hello Everyone!

I'm sure you're probably wondering if I died or fell of the earth, because it's been forever since I updated Secrets of the Moon, The Art of Crashing and Burning, and The Heart Thief. Mind you, I've been fairly busy, so it's hard to get a chance to write. This poem is actually one I had to write for school. We were given the topic and had to write a poem. I won in the school (sophmore beating seniors yay!) and got third place in the state. I really love this poem. I hope you all like it!

A piece of June captured clear

A sight a child does revere

A glowing heart in a shattered world

A piece of sanity to a broken girl

The distant memory of a time

When wishing stars were at their prime

Fingerpainting and mommy's shoes

Playing games you're sure to lose

A sliver of light in the unknown dark

Little angels leaving their mark

Nature's night lights and the moon's flowers

Caught before the brightness sours

The sun in your hands, kept with glass

To illuminate the mind till stars pass

Living in hidden black night

Marring the dark, bringing the light

The epitome of summer trapped in a vase

The heart of a child shown in a gaze

Firefllies bring memories

Put in a jar to keep your dreams

When the sun hides and life dissipates

The light of the creatures intwine our fate

Every summer romance, ever heated scar

Is brought to the forefront by fireflies in a jar

Every rope burn mark and freckled patch

Burns with knowing, lit by a match

The creatures are more than blinking bulbs

They are dream catchers for young and old

Kept at bay by a thin shield

Memory makers with smiles to wield

Reluctantly released by a chubby hand

To spread word across the land

And once freed, to heaven they fly

Thier blinking lights now stars in the sky

More than just bugs, more than just games

They are the guiding light of childhood flames

The spark that lights the knowing eyes

Is a simple jar of fireflies


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