My Secret Life As A Vampire

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Chapter 1:

My heart pounded against my chest rapidly as I ran through the forest, a tear running down my cheek.

Today was the day I was going to die.

That devilishly beautiful monster chuckled, "You can't run from me, bitch. I'll kill you, just like I did to your family."

I kept a straight face as I ran, but on the inside I was crumbling down to my knees, tears streaming down my face, as I thought of my deceased family.

-earlier that day-

I walked into my house, dropping my bag on the ground lazily.

A metallic smell wafted up my nose, and my eyes widened.

One of those things was here. I could smell it on them at school.

What would they want with my home.

I pulled my hand knife out of my cardigan pocket, and readied myself for whatever came my way.

I cautiously crept down my hallway, hearing a muffled whimper come from the loungeroom.

I scrunched my eyebrows together, and called, "Mum?"

I hear another whimper, and a low chuckle.

Pushing my glasses up my nose, I walk into the loungeroom.

My stomach twists and I feel bile rise up to my throat and a high-pitched scream erupts from my mouth.

Instantly a hand slaps over my mouth, and a chuckle reverberates around the room, "Don't even think about it, love."

I stop screaming, and I look at the scene before me.

My mother is lifelessly draped over the back of the couch, bones sticking out of her back, my sister is lying on the floor, in a pool of her own blood, eyes glazed over, and my father is armless, his arms are nowhere to be seen, leaving gaping bloody holes where his arms used to be.

He is also lying on the floor lifeless.

I stare wide-eyed at my family, and the blood-stained room.

My family never liked me, and I never liked them, but jeez I never wanted them to be murdered!

Another hand grabs my wrist and flings me across the room, my body hitting the wall with a deep 'thud'.

I hiss in pain, and groan as I stand up, but a force kicks me down again.

I hit the carpet, and look up at the figure who keeps abusing me, and my heart stops.

"Who'd think that a bloodthirsty asshole would be goddamn hot." I grunt, chuckling.

His eyes widen slightly, but he covers it up with a chuckle, "And one that goes to your school."

I squint at him, trying to remember if I've seen his face before, but nothing comes to mind, "Sorry, Hun. I don't seem to remember ya."

He laughs, "I wag class, you slut."

I frown, "There's no reason to call me slut, you manwhore." I add a cheeky grin at the end of my sentence.

But this just seems to make him angry, and his face goes red.

"I'm gonna kill you, you stupid bitch." He growls as his fangs lengthen.

I sigh, and stand up quickly, patting myself down.

That's the thing with me. I'm really calm in these types of situations, but I break down afterwards. And the fact that my family never really gave me any love kind of affected how I reacted to their deaths. Because they were all assholes and never knew their place.

I scowl at him, "Sure." And bolt out the front door, catching him off guard.

He growls and screams after me, "COME BACK HERE YOU SKANK!!!"

I laugh, and run even faster, running into the woods.

Why I thought this was a good idea? I don't know. I'm just weird like that.

Which brings us to now.

My heart is pounding in my chest as my feet are pounding against the forest floor.

'Shit,' I thought as a tear slid down my face, 'I'm breaking down... But thank god I do track. I would be dead right now if I didn't.'

He chuckled, "You can't run from me, bitch. I'll kill you, just like I did to your family."

I laugh, "I really don't care about my family, dude."

He hissed, "You're still gonna die."

I laughed, "Oh really?" And came to a halt.

I slowly caught my breath, and as he ran up to me I tackled him, forcing my lips onto his.

I straddled him on the ground, and forced his mouth open with my tongue, reaching in and feeling his fangs drag against my lip.

I could feel his excitement, but it ignored it and pierced my lower lip on his teeth.

I rubbed my tongue against the roof of his mouth, and felt the liquid squirt from his teeth into my lip.

I pulled away, and licked my lips sexily.

Leaning in my breath fanning on his ear, sending shivers down his spine, I whispered, "Thanks babe." And stood up, off him.

I grinned cheekily, and his face was bright red.

I could see his excitement calm down, and anger filled his eyes, "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!! YOU JUST-" then all anger leaves his eyes, and amusement fills them instead, "You just got yourself a one-way ticket to the most painful experience of your life."

He gets up, and laughs, "Feel free to contact me once you are turned." He shoves his hands in his jeans pockets, "And by the way, your family was really delicious." And walks off.

I stare after him, and when I start walking back to my house, something inside me twangs.

Almost like a switch, a stinging ache erupts throughout my body, making me fall to the ground in pain.

I groan, and it can feel each and every one of my bones slowly cracking and breaking, my organs being compressed and stretching out again continuously, like someone is playing my organs like an accordion.

My body is convulsing rapidly as I curl up into a ball, holding back my tears.

My skin feels like it's being held to a red hot iron bar, and it feels like my feet and hands are being crushed.

I try to scream out in pain, but it just makes my body feel even more painful.

Suddenly the pain stops, and a slight breeze picks up the leaves around me, blowing against my body, sending waves of the most soothing sensation through my body.

My eyes flutter closed as I feel like my body is shining from this beautiful feeling, and I fall into a deep sleep.


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okay enough of me being weird.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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