Chapter 1

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Hyuna's P.O.V

I woke up with my alarm ringing. Gosh. I sit up lazily with a yawn. Letting out a groan. Another day of me finding a new job. This sucks. I mean, finding jobs non-stop but none calls back. It's the most shittiest thing ever.

Oh anyways, I am Bae Hyuna, born on 1993. I'm a simple girl, living a simple life. With a normal working mom, and I'm the eldest child. I have 2 siblings, they're twins but one boy and one girl. They're born on 1996. And they're schooling and have some part time jobs. I'm very close with them.

I lost my appa, 6 years ago. Because of heart attack. Who doesn't miss their own father right? From him, i inherited the same liking with him. Which is, taking pictures. I love taking pictures. Not just normal pictures. I take pictures of beautiful sunsets, night views, scenery, flowers, etc.. I also took courses, to learn how take better pictures, and more. And with my liking of these, my certs, I've been going from one company to another, to apply a job as a photographer.

My eomma, she's running a famous restaurant. Together with appa, they both raised this restaurant, ever since i was 10. And it's still running, up till now. During school days, coming home from school, I'll always help out my parents with the restaurant. Be it as a waiter, counter, taking orders, wiping the table, carrying the plates, washing the plates, fork and spoon.

But since appa left, my siblings and I, along with eomma, we run it together. Eomma have ever thought of closing it, because she was just sad about appa, leaving. But i told her not to. I'm sure appa wants us to continue with the restaurant. And we're still are.

And also because of that, i work full time with eomma, in the restaurant. But 2 years ago, and even up till now, she have been telling me to get married. Which I don't find it very important at all. It's also not the time for me yet.

2 weeks ago, she made me attend a dinner with my 'future mother-in-law', to plan a wedding for me along with her son. Which i decline immediately. I don't care if it hurts my eomma's feelings. Because once I'm married, my life will be a hurting one because I don't love my husband. So I don't want that to happen.

Ever since then, she keep on nagging at me. Telling me the pros and cons for me, when i marry the guy she chose. Mostly the pros. And also, because of that, i told my mom that I'm not gonna work her anymore. Let the twins work with eomma. And let me find other jobs. I still do work in the restaurant because there's not much people.

I've went for interviews for various jobs but none of the company have called me back. It's frustrating. I got up, walking to my bathroom, taking a shower. After that, putting on jeans a tshirt, i walk out of my room, joining eomma and the twins for breakfast. "Hyuna, found a job?" - eomma asked. I shook my head.

"None called me back." - i said, while eating.

"Aren't you stubborn? Told you to just continue with the restaurant and just marry-"

"Eomma please. I don't want to hear this early in the morning. Plus there's no link from getting married and jobs." - i said, with a frown.

"See thats you. I'm telling you the truth. When are you gonna stay single? Never in my life, I've heard you have a boyfriend." - eomma said. I let out a silent sigh.

"Even Lihyun have a boyfriend. Dihyun also have a girlfriend. You're the only single one." - eomma said. I look to the twins. Giving them a small frown.

"Or you like girls?"

"Aish eomma what are you saying? I like boys. But I've yet found one. Eomma, i can be a little old, but if it's not the time for me to have a boyfriend or even get married, why rush? I'll get one if i found one. And you'll be the first person to know about it." - i said.

"I found you one but you rejected. So?"

"Eomma, I don't wanna argue. If you want me to have a boyfriend, be patient."

"Fine. By the end of this year, you don't get a boyfriend, i will set up a marriage for you." - she warned.

"Okay. Whatever you say." - i said. I really don't wanna argue with my mom. It's just a waste of time and I don't wanna be rude too. After breakfast, i lay down on my bed, using my phone. To find jobs, online. Going through websites per websites.

Photographer for kids? Neh, too noisy.
Photographer for animals? Neh, too difficult. I let out an annoyed groan. I heard a knock on my door. The door opens, revealing Dihyun. "Can i come in noona?" - he asked. I hummed.

He walk in my room, and lay next to me. "What are you doing, noona?" - he asked, while looking at my phone screen.

"Searching for jobs." - i said.

"Noona, are you angry?" - he asked.

"Of what?"

"Earlier on."

"Just for awhile."

"You know eomma. She's like that. But you do know she does that for your own good, noona." - Dihyun said.

"I know. But at least you don't get nagged for not marrying her choice." - i said. He giggled.

"Will you get a boyfriend by the end of the year?" - he asked. I shrug.

"High chance, no." - i said.

"Then eomma will a arrange you with someone. You okay with that?"

"No. I'll think of a way." - i said.

"Noona, tomorrow, follow me." - he said.

"What for?"

"Job. I know what kind of job you're searching for. I have a friend who works at this company and they need some extra photographer." - he explained.

"Cool. I'll follow you." - i said.

"Put your phone away. I'm sure you'll get the job." - he said.

"Back up plan." - i said with a small laugh. He laughed too. He got up, and head out of my room.

"Ramyun, noona?" - he asked.

"Aren't you a little sweet for no reason today?" - i asked with a laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes." - he said with a laugh.

Da first chapter!!!! Wuuhuu!!! It's just a very simple chapter. First off, i wanna say a huge thank you, to,  shim_hyunrin  She helped me out with this fanfic. Not all but just some small parts that still gives effect to this fanfic. I needed some help because dear, your authors' brain is dry asf. So yeah, thank you for helping baby ❤️ do head to her account and check out her fanfic and oneshots! For oneshots, i believe that request are still open! She'll be publishing new fanfics and she's gonna have a series too! So give her tons, huge and strong love okay! ❤️❤️❤️ (pssst, she's shim irene from my jimin fanfic 😉)

As of this fanfic, I'll try to update EVERY Wednesday~ So look out for Wednesdays! And don't forget to give huge love to our worldwide handsome, Kim Seokjin ❤️😘

Follow my BTS series! Make sure you're on the right track! The stories have links with each other!

BTS Series:
1st Book - Married A Gangster || JJK [COMPLETED]
2nd Book - Love Hate || MYG [COMPLETED]
3rd Book - Just One Day || PJM [COMPLETED]
4th Book - Makeup Artist || JHS [COMPLETED]
5th Book - Strength || KNJ [COMPLETED]
6th Book - Capture || KSJ
7th Book - Just || KTH -soon-

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14/3/18, 14th March 2018


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