Part 6

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I looked at him. He looked a bit messy. "D-did you get out early?" I asked nicely, trying to ignore that I had callef him Saiyaku. "Yeah-" He said almost roughly. He was bothered. I stood up "Are you alright? Is something...wrong?" "Tch!" He streightened up, angry. " What's wrong? What's wrong!? You're what's wrong you bitch!- ". I took a step back... I quickly got uncomforteble. "D-Dante... We haven't-" "What!? Talked yet?? Well because you're so bussy cheating on me! When did I do you wrong!?" He yelled at me.... "You know we were slipping apart. That's why we got Margaret. We were just staying together for her and now I've fallen in love with someone else." He stood silent. He knew it was true but he didn't want to listen. He looked at me angrily. "Why am I not good enough for you?- We're married!"... I looked at him. My arms hanging by my sides. "It's not you. It's me falling for someone else. I can't controll what I feel- but you really shouldn't blame your self. I should've told you earlier, but I wanted to be sure I had somewhere to go if you wouldn't be able to listen. " I sighed... then sat down by Margaret again. "We're still parents... that won't change-".

I got home and sent a message to Aki. I told him that me and his husband had gotten into a fight and I was sorry for saying mean stuff.... but adding that he started it. I had fixed up the bed a bit. He was gonna sleep at home tonight and Dante would stay instead. I had earned much of the vidio I posted. Many thought he was a doll and had even asked where to buy one. I chuckled to myself. I had planned the whole evening and night actually. I felt exitment. I was gonna take him to a resturant, then fuck him at home, filming it without him knowing. A blindfold could fix that easily.

We talked for a long while. It was painful... but I hoped things would work out. Dante sighed and let me go. It was almost 4 pm now. It was already dark out. I went to Saiyaku's place and knocked on his door. He opened and swept me up, closing the door behind us. I got very surprised, but started giggeling when I looked at his smug face. "I've planned the whole evening~". "Oh?" I smiled at him, kissing his face. "So take a shower and get dressed- We're going to a nice resturant." I continued kissing on his face. "Alright~". He put me down and I took a shower. I really needed one. It felt so nice. I took my time before getting dressed and fixing my hair. I closed my eyes and sighed. I felt Saiyaku's arms laying over my shoulders and kissed on my neck. "Mh~... "

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