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It's been a week now since my last nightmare but last night it happened again. Grayson has helped me with my maths and my English but I still have a long way to go but I haven't been able to get through to him at all in art. Art is expressive and he just won't express himself. I have been teaching him all the different techniques and he is actually quite good. What was I expecting? He is Grayson Dolan he is good at everything!

I had that same nightmare again last. Ugh the and I couldn't get back to sleep so I binge watched the vampire diaries and gossip girl. But that was probably a bad idea because I'm tired now. I don't feel like going to school but I have to because I don't want to fail anymore classes then I already am. I quickly put on some jeans and a hoodie. I don't really care what I look like today so I don't even bother applying makeup. I decided to walk to school today maybe clear my mind. Dylan isn't coming to school again and i haven't heard from him since the day he was beaten. I miss him so much.

Whilst walking to school I noticed Grayson, Ethan and Meredith also walking but on the opposite path. Ethan turns around and sees me walking. He hits Grayson on the arm and says something and Grayson turns around. I walk in and try and ignore them but they cross the road and start walking behind me.
"Eww What is she wearing" Meredith remarks.
"She looks rough" Ethan adds
"She was probably up all night fucking Dylan" Grayson says and they all laugh.
I felt like turning around and shouting in their faces "no. I was up all night because I was too scared to go back to sleep. I was too scared to see my dead mother come back and haunt me over and over again." But I didn't I just continued walking. Well that was until I felt two hands on my back pushing me towards the ground and with that I fell grazing my cheek. It stings like a bitch.
"Ouch. You should watch where you are going " Ethan laughs. They then walk past me and Grayson kicks me back down before catching up with Ethan and Meredith.

When I arrive to school I went to the toilets near the music because no one ever goes to them. Mainly because they don't like the racket the band makes when they start playing. I don't mind it. I wiped away the blood on my cheek and cleaned myself up. As I stepped out of the toilets I heard this boy singing. I don't think I have ever heard him before. I was instantly curious so I stepped inside the music room to see someone I never thought I would see again. The bus guy. He is sitting down at a piano singing a popular song playing with all this different equipment. I watch him for a while and then he looks up.
"Ellie ? Hi! What are you doing here?" He asks
"I got to this school. I was just using the bathroom to... well that doesn't matter what are you doing here?" I ask
"I just transferred schools here so I can study music more" he smiles
"That's good I actually just heard you sing and you were amazing!" I say
"Thank you. So do you sing?" He asks
"Oh I used to but I haven't now for years." I say putting my head down ashamed
"You wanna try something with me?" He smiles
"I don't even know your name!" I laugh
"Alex, Alex Aiono" He says
"Well Alex I would love to but I'm actually really late for art so I need to go but if I ever catch you in here again I might take your offer" I say
"Good. So I'll see you around?"
"Yeah. See you around" I say and walk to art.

I am really late so I speed walk down the corridor and into art. I walk through the door and everyone's eyes are on me.
"Why are you late!" Mrs smith says.
"Sorry Mrs I slept in" I lie and sit next to Grayson who will not take is eyes of me.
"Why did you lie?" He asks
"Because I want going to say that you, Your twin brother and his bitch of a girlfriend pushed me over this morning and that's why I have this nasty graze on my cheek so I was late because I needed to clean the blood of my face" I spit
"That wasn't our fault maybe you shouldn't be so damn clumsy" he says
"Your such a dick! Your a bully and won't even own your actions!" I hiss.
"Shut the fuck up" he scowls

I met up with Izzy and Chloe at lunch.
"Have you guys heard from Dylan?" I ask.
"No. His parents went on holiday so maybe he went with them?" I say says
"No I don't think so. Dylan wouldn't miss school to go on holiday" Chloe says
"Maybe He is sick" I say
"Yeah I think I'm going to go round tonight see how he is" 

The bell rings so I go to my last period which is maths.

"Ellie recently you have been doing well so we decided to move you up a set so pack your stuff up and head to set 4" miss Doleavy smiles and I smile back.
"Thank you miss" I say waking into set 4 i guess Grayson's tutoring is helping...

I finish my shift early so I won't be too late to tutoring with Grayson. I'm teaching him art tonight but before all that I am going to check on Dylan see how he is. So I got the buss and walked to Dylan's house. I knock on his door and no answer. I knock again. Still no answer. That's weird because his lights are on. Is he ignoring me?
"Dylan?" I shout and knock on the door. I then notice the living room window open so I climb through it. I land with a thud and run up the stairs.
"Dylan!" I yell. No response. What is happening. I walk into his room and he isn't there his lights are not on but his bathroom lights are? I walk into the bathroom and see the last thing I ever wanted to see

Why didn't I come round sooner ?

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