" IKON "

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iKON (아이콘) currently consists of 6 members: Bobby, Jay, Ju-ne, Song, DK and ChanB.I left the group on June 12th, 2019. iKON was created from the survival show Mix & Match. iKON debuted on September 15th, 2015 under YG Entertainment.

iKON Fandom Name: iKONIC
iKON Official Light Stick Color: Orange-Red (it’s orange when off and red-ish when on)

iKON Official Accounts:
Official Website: iKON
Twitter: @YG_iKONIC
Instagram (verified) @withikonic
Facebook: OfficialYGiKON
V Live: iKon channel
Youtube: iKon
Fan Cafe: iKONYG
TikTok: @ikon_tiktok

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