two - compliment

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bunnynayeoniee: yo peachy chun sa!

bunnynayeoniee: argh, wrongsend again. when will i ever stop humiliating myself!?

ur cute :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: what?

i said youre cute :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: how can you say that?

it's bc of your reactions everytime you got wrongsend :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: should i take that as a compliment?

you should! :peachymm

bunnynayeoniee: thankyou then.

well you should be really! after you called me stupid, i still complimented you :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: i called you stupid? when did i called you stupid?

*momo. fcking auto correct :peachyyymm

oops, sorry for the f word :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: no, its ok. i cursed too

bunnynayeoniew: but wdym by i should be thankful that you compliemented me even if i called momo stupid? are you a fan of her?

well, you can say that :peachyyymm

gtg, 'till your next xsend again ;))) :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: i think that will never happen again

as you say :peachymm

peachymm is offline

bunnynayeoniee: i swear

bunnynayeoniee is offline

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