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"Hello Louis Tomlinson..."

Louis' eyes widened, his grip on the small tape recorder becoming tighter as he heard his name being emitted from the deep husky voice of a man he easily wouldn't be able to recognize.

"You may not know us very well, but that's because we haven't had much time to properly introduce ourselves, but at the moment that won't matter, you are just as a stranger to us as we are to you..."

Louis stood there, his brows furrowed in confusion as the first few words were said through the compact talking box he held tightly in his hand, but he kept quiet, trying to listen further into the expected speech

"Many things have happened to you over the past year. Good as well as bad things, but in a series of events that had happened to you recently. A tragedy befell you, a misfortune that caused you to lose loved ones as well as yourself by letting your addiction take over you, we were advised to help you remember through a sequence of different activities, don't worry. You're in a safe place now."

The standing lad was completely bewildered, the words were absolutely taken from him, and not knowing what to do or say he placed the paused tape recorder down on the ligneous coffee table and sat down on the floor, taking his knees up to his chest, hand moving up to cup his heated face. So many questions rushing back and forth in his mind, yet to be soon answered but seemed as if they will never even be questioned. If that even made any sense. But perhaps it did to him.

Louis reached out, taking the small box in his grasp once again, wanting to hear more, expecting more than just some unknown stranger telling him that he is sick and needs help, he's sure he has heard that too many times and is sick to hear it once more. He needed answers.

He pressed down on the 'play' button again, listening carefully for the continuation of the speech the man had given him.

"The key to all of your answers is here, right before your very eyes, just think hard Mr. Tomlinson, X marks the spot of your solutions, and remember..." There was a brief pause "Follow your heart" the tape went static before fading out completely; much was said but not enough was spoken, not enough for Louis to comprehend what it was he needed to do, what they wanted from him nor why he even was there in the first place.

The deep yet gruff voice replayed in his head over and over

"Accident...Remember...Follow your heart"

Nothing made sense, he doesn't remember any accidents he's been in recently nor why he needed to follow his heart to find out the solution as to how to get out of there, stress grew deep in his mind but he tried to stay calm. Louis took a deep breath and went to take a sit on the maroon coloured couch at the far end of the room, he emitted a loud sigh before laying down, resting his head on the arm rest, he fluttered his eyes shut and let himself drift into a deep slumber, hoping that by tomorrow all will be cleared out and he'll head on home soon to his mates.

But deep down he knew that wasn't going to be happening anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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