What you need:
1.) Seven red candles (I use tea lights)
2.) A fire deity in mind
3.) One of your hairsWARNING!!!: Meditate for AT LEAST 1 HOUR BEFORE preforming this ritual.
I use a mix of black and white magic so, I can't be blamed for any supernatural things that go on afterwards!
This made my crush fall hard for me...
Be prepared for odd behaviour from the person it's cast on.(Y/N) = Your name
(D/N) = Deity name
(O/P/N) = Other persons name (include last name)Instructions: Light the seven candles and blow one out at the end of each paragraph.
When I put × lightly burn the hair on each candle left.I (Y/N), ask the almighty fire God(ess) (D/N), to help me place this spell on (O/P/N) because I feel deeply for this person on a passionate level. They do not feel for me in the same way I fear, that's why I am asking you, (D/N), for help.
×I've tried my hardest to be lovable but he/she fears me. I don't believe the words the others throw at me while he stands quiet and alone. ×
(O/P/N) is the only person I need the most (D/N), grant me your power to complete my heart and restore the fiery passion that was once there. ×
Fulfil my hearts burning desire to have my (O/P/N.
They are the light on my path.
Their smile fills the whole room with light.×
*wave your hands over the candles still burning*
Deity (d/n) grant me power to make him fall over me. Make his passion burn as if the sun. Make him mine. (×) He deserves no other than I. He will be at my every beck and call. He will show his passion the way I did for him. Oh deity grant my request!\worked for me\
Elemental spells that I use
SpiritualJust some spells that I have used in the past.