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English shortwave broadcasts to the Asia/Oceania sorted by time
Relay site codes: ae-United Arab Emirates, al-Albania, an-Antigua, ar-Armenia,
as-Ascension, at-Ausralia, au-Austria, bo-Bonaire Neth. Antilles, bt-Botswana,
bu-Bulgaria, ca-Sackville Canada, ch-China, cl-Chile, cu-Cuba, cy-Cyprus,
fg-French Guiana, fr-France, ga-Gabon, ge-Germany, gr-Greenville USA,
hu-Hungary, ja-Japan, ka-Kazakhstan, ko-South Korea, ku-Kuwait, li-Lithuania,
ma-Madagascar, ml-Mali, mo-Moldova, nm-North Mariana Islands, no-Norway,
om-Oman, pa-Palau, ph-Philippines, po-Sines Portugal, ru-Russia, rw-Rwanda,
sa-Sao Tome e Principe, se-Seychelles, si-Singapore, sl-Sri Lanka, so-Slovakia,
sp-Spain, sw-Sweden, ta-Taiwan,th-Thailand, tj-Tajikistan, tu-Turkey,
uk-United Kingdom, uz-Uzbekistan, va-Santa Maria Vatican, wb-WBCQ USA, wh-WHRI USA,
wr-WRMI USA, wy-WYFR USA, za-South Africa
Notes -- Days of week: Su-Sunday, M-Monday, Tu-Tuesday, W-Wednesday,
Th-Thursday, F-Friday, Sa-Saturday, exW-except Wednesday
Target areas: Af-Africa, Am-America, As-Asia, Eu-Europe, LA-Latin America,
ME-Middle East, NA-North America, Oc-Oceania/Australia; Other: alt-alternate
frequency, drm-Digital Radio Mondiale, occ-occasional use, se-Special English
This page was last updated by Ernest Riley on June 14, 2010. Version A10v05
UTC Time Notes Country Station Frequencies
0000-0030 As, Oc Australia R. Australia 9660, 12080, 13670,
13690, 15240, 17715,
17750, 17795
0000-0045 As India All India R. 6055, 7305, 9705, 9950,
11645, 13605
0000-0057 As China China R. Int'l 6075, 6180, 7415, 11790,
11885, 13750, 15125
0000-0057 As Canada R. Canada Int'l 11700ch
0000-0100 As United Kingdom BBC 5970om, 6195si, 7395cy,
9410th, 9740si
0000-0100 As United Kingdom BBC 12095si/th, 13725th,
15335si, 15360th
0000-0100 As Germany Deutsche Welle 9885sl, 15595ru, 17525ru
0000-0400 NA,As U. S. A. WWRB 3185
0000-0400 NA,As U. S. A. WWRB 6890
0000-0458 Oc New Zealand RNZI 13730, 15720 drm
0000-2400 As Diego Garcia AFRTS 4319 USB, 12759 USB
0000-2400 Oc Guam AFRTS 5765 USB, 13362 USB