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I am here for one person it is her

He was cazy... loved someone so much he hurt her she was stolen from her castle she was his princess.
Will she ever escape from his gripe of love?

Sarra's pov

Beep beep beep

Ugh I grown I was done with this fucking job I jumped out of my bed and into the shower washing my hair and body as the hot drops of water made contact with my body washing away the sorrow and dirt I hate my life the same thing everyday but who cares I could never get a better job I left my home at 10 is been 5 years I'm
15 now I can't believe it I love in this small cofortable apartment that I've only been in two years and as I step out of the shower I think today will be better I walk over to my closet and get this out fit

Ugh I grown I was done with this fucking job I jumped out of my bed and into the shower washing my hair and body as the hot drops of water made contact with my body washing away the sorrow and dirt I hate my life the same thing everyday but who ca...

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I slip it on and run down to the subway to get to my job I work as a assistance to my uncle when I get there I sit at my office desk in front of his office and count the minutes til I get off work

*skip to after work around 8p.m

It's dark since it's winter and I got off late because of a meeting I'm walking home when I feel a percent like I'm being watched I start wading fast but when u drop my keys to my apartment I turn quickly to pick it up and boom I see him a man looking not more than 16 maybe 17 wearing all black I grab my keys and sprint home knowing he was chasing me I screamed for help when I feel a strong arm wrapped around me and suddenly everything went black all of a sudden life was not present or around... ha I thought today would really be.... good

I'm slowly awakening I  wake up in s big room looking quite girly  a big wardrobe and huge tv I I'm still in my clothes... thank god all of a sudden when I try to wake out I realize who ever took me jade me chanted to the bed by my ankle I struggle when click the big white door in the room slowly opens to the man as before not dressed in black but in a white shirt and black pants he walks coming closer I back away to the far side of the bed holding my legs close he realizes I'm scared and I feel the salty liquid on my face he stops trying to comfort me wispering "shush princess I promise I wont hurt you" he grabs my leg and unlocked the chain he picks me up bridle style and I can't breath I try to push him of me but he only let's go when we are in a bathroom "unchange I'll start the water" I start to tear up and yell "NO" he turns and slaps be across the face I scream add I hit the floor he picks me up by hair and whispers in my ear getting louder "if you think you can say no to me I will kill you ,you don't know pain until you meet me so listen if I hear no out of that mouth again you won't be able to walk" he gets up kicking my stomach I curl into a ball with tears willingly coming out he's kicking and punching me I start seeing black dots and I feel numb I can't feel anything maybe if I die I won't have to deal with anything.

Fin's pov

I don't know why she won't just listen to me I've been hitting her for 5 minutes but she stopped moving 2 minutes ago I finally stop and realize she is not awake I pick her limp body up he nose and mouth have blood coming from them her arms and legs are blue and purple I know I've done wrong and I'll need to make it up to her but she needs to learn I see hey body move a little thank god she's alive I put her in her room I don't lock her in I have all the doors and windows locked she can't get out I'll let her be alone for a while I go to my room and lock the door she will love me one day.

Sarra's pov

I wake up back in the bed I get up everything hurts I walk to the bathroom locking the door I look into the mirror I don't recognize this girl with died blood on my face my hair is a tangled mess I'm black and blue my lip is split I'm scared to think this is me I look in the cabinet there it is a razor I slide it across my skin 4 times the pain it feels numb I put the razor back and start the hot water to take a bath I wash the blood off laying in the warm water that is now red from the blood I get out I still have bruises I want to cover the ones on my face I go to the closet filed with random shit and there's a make up bag I go back to the bath room I put foundation my face and neck thend put a nude lip stick and eyeliner I look normal now I go back to the closet and change into this

I wake up back in the bed I get up everything hurts I walk to the bathroom locking the door I look into the mirror I don't recognize this girl with died blood on my face my hair is a tangled mess I'm black and blue my lip is split I'm scared to th...

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I explore the house the guy that kidnapped me I don't see him I run to a door that I assumed it was the front door it was locked I screamed in frustration I hear a cough from behind me I turn looking at the floor I turn knowing it was him a tear comes from my eyes he takes my hand and honestly I'm done with fighting I'll just let him kill me slowly he whispers "honey I'm sorry please forgive me" he whispers I have treats coming down my face I want to say no but I know what he'll do I say "ok" with a straight face he smiled and his me picking me of the ground I feel numb I won't try anymore I will just nod and say yes and ok he kisses me his lips meet mine I don't care he basically owns me who am I to disobey

Fin pov
She forgave me thank god I just want to love her forever and never let her go.

Sarra's pov

He takes my hand and leads me upstairs he picks up my fragile body only putting me down when we reach his bed is dark he lauds down with me wrapping his arm around me going into a deep sleep I try to move but when I do his grip gets tighter ....Will I ever escape

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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