Hi my name is Sara, and I am 13. I am a lesbian but I am currently dating the most beautiful girl in the world who I'm just gonna call JJ. love you girl! But I used to self harm but I have been clean for 4 months. yay!
I'm Skie. it's pronounced just like "sky". I'm 15 years old and I am bisexual. I am single, and I self harm, I have an eating disorder, and have attempted suicide. And that's more than enough info that I want to share.
I'm BAYLEE!!!! I am sixteen, straight and single. I self harm and I am kinda crazy. crazy fun! XD I love talking to people so... yeah!___In Memory of Baylee Cortez. We love and miss you Baylee <3____
They saved the best for last. I'm Blaize and I am 17 years old. I am bisexual and single, and I have Depression. I just need someone to love. <3
So this is us! welcome to our family. And another member of our family is @Embrace_Eternity. Go follow her, her name is Jo and she is Awesome. but just pm any of us and say who you want to talk to because we love to talk. love you! -all.
The emo girls
Non-Fictionthis is just sort of an introduction... to us! just facts and information about who we are :P