You Need To Forget About Me

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     I slowly open my eyes and I see I am in a glass cell at the DEO. How dare they put me in one of these. How many times have I saved them! I stand up and I see Lena and Alex. Oh this is going to be really fun. "Well are you going to say something or just look at me?" I ask them rudely. Alex slightly steps forward "Kara listen I know you're not in control right now and I am doing my absolute best to fix it. I just need you to do one thing for me. I just need you to not give up. Can you do that for me." I put my hand up to the glass and force some tears out of my eyes. "I..I promise that I will find a way out of this cell and kill everyone in this building," I say and smile at them. "Come on Lena let's go." Alex says. "I will catch up." She tells her and Alex walks out the door. Wow that is all it took, but i have a feeling Lena is going to be a little harder to get to. 

     "I know that you could never really hurt me so you can drop the whole evil act." She tells me. I just laugh "That bruise on your face says otherwise." I tell her. She just shakes her head "I will never give up on you no matter what you say to me. I will always be here." She tells me. "Can I tell you something?" I ask her softly. She nods and walks closer to the cell. "I lied. I never really loved you. It was so easy to fool you. All I had to say was three words.

      You are so weak, all it took to break you was for me to say I love you." I say to her. I tear slides down her face. "No. I know you love me and you can't convince me otherwise." She tells me. She sits on the floor with her back pressed against the glass and I do the same. "Lena I really need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone especially not Alex." I tell her. She turns around and looks at me and nods. 

     "I love you and I will always remember and cherish all the memories we made together good and bad. I know you might not believe me because of what I said earlier, but I promise that this is not some trick it is just the truth." She smiles at me " I knew that you would come back to me." I can't stand to give her any false hope so I just close my eyes and shake my head. "I'm not I am not going to sit here and ask you to wait for me. I can't do that and I won't let you because I don't know what is wrong with me and I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have. You need to forget about me and you need to find a way to be happy. You need to be with someone that is not constantly weighing you down. I don't you to worry every time they walk out the door if they will come back to you, You deserve so much better than that." I tell her.

     "I'm sorry but I can't do that. I love you way too much to just abandon you when you need me the most. I would do anything for you, but this..I just can't do this. I just can't Kara I'm sorry." She tells me. "Please Lena there is something wrong with. I don't know what it is exactly. It feels like another person takes over and right now I am trying to stop her from saying and doing things, but I can't stop her forever and I don't want to hurt you like I did earlier." I tell her. "So it is like an alter-ego." She says.

     I smile at her and shake my head slowly. "What?" She asks me while smiling. "Nothing it is just you never give up and that is what I love about you." I tell her. "I hate that we are separated." She tells me and I nod in agreement. I feel a pain in my chest and I know that she is coming back. "Lena you have to get out of here." I tell her while holding my chest and trying to get my breathing back to normal. "No I to-" "Lena i really appreciate you not giving up on me but you can't be here. Just go outside!" She runs outside and locks the door.


     Whenever Kara yells at you evil or not you should listen or bad things will happen so I ran out of the door and went to go look for Alex to tell her what happened. I know I promised but I think I am a little closer to finding what is wrong with her. I see her talking to some doctor. I run up to her and grab her by the arm and drag her to some random room. "Lena that was really rude I was having a conversation." She tells me and gives me a stern look.

     "Sorry but this is way more important. I think I found something out about what is happening to Kara." I tell her. "Well spit it out I don't have all day Luthor." She tells me. "I think Kara has some kind of alter ego that she can't control." I tell her. "How did you come to this conclusion?" She asks me. "Well um after you left we talked and it was her, the real her and then she yelled at  me to get out and I ran here. I am really worried abut her." I tell her.

     "No need to worry i am right here." Kara says while holding a gun up to J'onn's head. "Please Kara don't do it." Alex says. "Hmm maybe I won't do it if you let me go." She tells us with a smirk. I start to walk towards her but she points the gun at me. I raise my hands "I know you are in there and I am begging you, don't do this you will regret it later." I tell her. "Maybe but I like living in the present." She tells me and points the gun at J'onn and all I heard was a loud band and his body slump forward and a lot of blood and Alex scream. 

I got really motivated this week and decides to start the new book because why the hell not! Hope you guys like it. It has a bad start but it will get better probably.    

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