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"EXCHANGING?" I shouted causing everyone to stare at us. "Shut up. Jesus." my friend Sunhi whispered before pulling me into an empty classroom. "What the fuck do you mean you're exchanging?" I was trying to process everything that was happening, my best friend just said she was going to be leaving. "The school put my on the exchange program because of my dads new job. And since he is being relocated, I'm moving schools." She said. I knew she was trying to sound positive on the outside, but she is my best friend, on the inside I knew her world was falling apart. A single tear ran down her face and I was quick to pull her into a hug, "I'm sorry Y/N." She cried into my shoulder and I had hold back my own tears, "Don't be sorry, I'll be okay. When do you leave?" I quickly asked and Sunhi finally pulled away, "In 5 days." We both just stood in awkward silence until the bell went and we had to part ways. That's when it all started to dawn on you.

Me and Sunhi had been best friends since we were little kids. I were there for her throughout everything, and she did the same for me. Growing up without my mum was extremely hard, there were somethings as a teenage girl that you just need a mum for. Of course my dad did everything he could to raise me, so when he met Sunhi's dad who was in a similar situation, it was only natural that they became close friends. I lost my mum in a car accident when she was on her way to pick me up from nursery. It was so hard to understand back then what was happening. Now the one constant friend in my life was going to be leaving to somewhere hours away. I had to keep reminding myself that it was going to be a lot harder on her than it is on me since she has to go to school where she doesn't know anyone at all.

When I finally got to my lesson the teacher pulled me aside. "Ah Y/N. The principal wants to see you." She explained and I just nodded before heading to his office. I bowed to the reception staff as I headed for the big door and knocked. "Come in." He spoke and as I pushed open the door, the principal was signing a bunch on files. "Ah Y/N just the person I wanted to see. I understand you've heard that Sunhi is moving schools as a part of our exchange program, and I'm sure you understand that means we will have a new student arriving." He explained and I just smiled and nodded, trying to seem interested. "Well his name is Jeon Jungkook and he will be in most of your lessons, so I would appreciate if you could give him a hand fitting into the school." The last bit made my eyes almost pop out. How was I meant to help a new kid 'fit in'. I agreed to it anyway, and went back to my lesson. I only have five days left with my best friend, five days until this new kid arrives. Five days till my world is tipped upside down.

5 days later

"You know I'll call you everyday." Sunhi said through tears and I hugged her tightly. "You better. I want updates. You better not replace me." I laughed even though I could feel my face was drenched with my own tears as well. "I'll come visit sometime. And you will obviously have to see the new place at some point." She said slowly pulled away, "Obviously." I said as I opened the car door for her. "So I guess this is it for now." I said as she buckled herself in, "It doesn't feel right saying goodbye." She whispered wiping away another tear as it slid down her cheek. I didn't get to say much else as her dad came out of the house with the final box. "That's the last box. Sorry bud, but we gotta hit the road." He explained. I knew this was just as hard for him as well as the both of us. Both of our fathers were losing their best friend as well. He climbed in and shut the door, letting the window roll down, "I'll miss you so much." I said finally letting out a sob as we hugged through the window before they began to pull away. I stood watching them until I couldn't see the car any longer and let out a shaky sigh. "Come on pal." My dad said bringing me into his chest, where we stood for what felt like forever crying into his shirt. "It's not fair dad." I whispered and he stroked my hair, "I know. But tomorrow you gotta meet the new boy, so let's get you inside before you catch a cold." and we both walked back towards the house.

The night was mostly silent, my dad made us some hot chocolate and we watched movies in the living room. I had a shower and got myself ready for whatever would greet me tomorrow morning.

When I woke up the next morning I was already running a bit behind. I was so grateful that I had packed my bag and planned my outfit last night, so all I had to do was get ready and go. Since it was warm I just threw on a burgundy top with my black skater skirt with knee highs and boots. I finished pinning my hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs where I knew my dad was cooking breakfast. As I came into the kitchen I had to duck under the plate of waffles he was holding, not without grabbing one. "You look nice, trying to make a good first impression on the new boy I see." He said wiggling his eyebrows which almost made me choke on my drink, "No dad. I just wanted to look like I hadn't been crying all night." I said checking myself in the mirror, "Okay kiddo, you want more waffles?" He asked holding out the plate, "Actually I have to be in early to show the new boy around so I'll pass this time." I said placing a kiss on his cheek before walking to the bus stop.

It was only a short ride and before I knew it I was walking up to the principal's office once again. This time when I walked in I was met with the back of someones head. "Ah Y/N, this is Jungkook our exchange student. Jungkook this is Y/N. I will leave you to show him around." The principal said before leaving the room. The boy finally turned around and I could tell just from the way he looked at me, that he was shy. He sat upright, pushing his hair back with a smile and said, "Why hello there. I'm Jungkook, pleasure to meet you." Ugh great, he was polite. "I'm Y/N, let's get this over with." I said. I already despised the idea of having to show this boy around, not while he just kept walking around like the walls would swallow him whole. I couldn't deny that he was attractive, but he was so quiet, and that just made it ten times worse.

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