Long lasting light

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Detonia, sitting there in that bed.. feeling as those imaginary chains have pulled her tighter to it.
"Mommy.. why did the doctors say Im gonna die.."

I was in the chair, next to this beautiful little girl.. knowing that she wouldn't be with me anymore.
"Don't you worry honey.. they mean that your gonna fly so high you reach the sky."

She didn't know what that men't, sat there confused in her own thoughts.
"Does that mean I have to say goodbye?"

Tears rolling down my face, the truth hurts.. her strong light was giving out..
"Yes.. but then you'll saying hi."

Detonia didn't get it.. she saw her mom crying, wanting to give her a hug.. wanting to comfort her.. but those stupid chains... "to who?"

I look up.. ready to say the truth. "You'll say hi.. you'll say hi to dad.. you'll fly so high."

Detonai's powerful eyes, not able to hold back the flood happening in her eyes.
"Then you say hi to?"

I shook my head in sorrow.
"No sweetie.. you'll stay with dad for a while.. and then one day.. I'll be there with you.."

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