The Bully (Larry Stylinson Smut)

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As Louis walked along the familiar corridor of his school, he kept his head down. It wasnt like he was the new boy or anything he just liked to stay as blended in as possible especially when around him. it wasnt fair for them to pick on him like that, he didnt mean to be gay. He was just never attracted to girls. He realised he was gay when he wa 10 years old when he first met him. When he first realised he liked boys was when he met him. When he met the boy of his dreams. And nightmares. Harry Styles.  They had been best friends, like really close friends until he was 13, when he came out. Even tho Harry was gay too (Louis knew that for sure), he felt the need to pick on Louis every day of the week. 

As Harry walked along the familiar corridor he was searching, searching for him. He didnt know why he picked on him, he didnt do it for any real reason he just did. Wait, no he knows why he does it, he does it because Louis had the strength to come out, something Harry could never do. As he walked towards his locker Harry was close to giving up on trying to find Louis, when he saw him. He smirked as he walked towards the drama boy. "Hey faggot" he said. Louis ignored him, still staring into his locker trying to blank out the boy he loved causing so much pain to him. 

"I said hey faggot" as Harry grabbed the collar of his shirt and turned him around to face him.              "Harry please" Louis begged, God he has such blue eyes thought Harry, "Harry, please what?" he mocked Louis' voice. "Please what? Please stop being so sexy? Please stop making me want to kiss you?" said Harry with a laugh. Louis looked to his feet. "Thats what i thought, you faggot" said Harry as he put his fist in Louis stomach causing his back to hit the door of his locker. 

'Thats going to cause a bruise' thought Louis as Harry pushed his way through the crowd of people applauding him for beating up 'the school faggot', some people were laughing, others were just staring at Louis smirking and clapping. He walked through the crowd as people pushed him around, and pulled at his grey hoodie and tried to take his drama folder and songbook. 

It was only the first day of school and it was already going badly. 

What was his first lesson? Math. Oh great Maths was his worst subject. He walked in late and saw that there was only one desk left, he scanned the room, Thank god no Harry and atleast he could sit on his own. 

"Nice of you to join us Louis, Sit down now" said Miss Cox. He mumbled a "sorry" then Louis hurried to his seat as quick as possible. As he sat down, he began to take his pen out and book when suddenly the classroom door flew open and Louis looked up.There was Harry, standing there looking as gorgeous as ever. 

He scanned the classroom, 'This class sucks' he thought and then he saw him. He smirked at him

"What is it with latecomers today? Okay Harry sit next to Louis please" said Miss Cox. Many people in the class giggled to themselves everyone knew that this would not turn out well. Harry walked to his desk and sat down. 

"I'm going to give you a few minutes to get to know the person next to you as these are going to be your seats for the next year, You have 7 minutes" said Miss Cox. 'The next year? This is going to be fun' thought Harry. 

"Hi I'm Harry" he said smirking. 

"Hi I'm Louis" mumbled Louis, haha he was playing along,

"Look at me Lou" said Harry 'Did I just call him Lou? Why did I do that?' Louis looked up looking confused. 

'Why did he call me Lou? He almost sounded like the old Harry then' thought Louis.                              "Yes Hazza" he said. 'Why did i say that?'. Harry smiled at Louis, not the smile he does when hes gonna kill him, the smile he used to give him when they were friends, It was a smile he knew and loved and missed. He missed that smile a lot. 

The smile soon faded and they both looked down at their work, well Harry did. Louis some how found himself staring at Harry, biting his lip. Harry was so gorgeous, his green eyes were like cat eyes, they worked so intently on the equations they were trying to solve. Suddenly he looked up at Louis and they were caught in an awkward stare for about 15 seconds neither of them wanted to look away but finally Harry looked away and the bell went. 

'Today has been the weirdest day ever' thought Louis as he walked out to the parking lot, where his car was parked. He got in and drove home with some stupid smile stuck on his face. It was almost like they were friends again, like the old times, when they would wrestle in his bedroom, or just watch films and play video games all the time. The times Louis loved and secretly so did Harry. 

He walked into his house, and was pounced on by Phoebe, Daisy and Fiz. Lottie just stood there shaking her head. Louis loved his little sisters more than life itself. But then again he loved most things more than his life right now. He escaped the attack from his sisters and kissed Lottie on the cheek and ran upstairs to his room and locked the door. He dropped his bag and lay on his bed still smiling like an idiot. 

DIIIIIIING DOOOOONG!!! went the doorbell and Louis sat up. 'Who the hell is that? Mum's in the house and so is every-' 

"Louis theres someone at the door for you!" shouts my mum up the stairs. Who is it? I walk down the stairs and my jaw drops their standing in my doorway is a tall boy with dark curls and those green eyes which make me go wild. Harry.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" said Louis his voice breaking slightly in the middle.                          "Umm.. I needed some help with the math homework, i was wondering if i could have some help?' he smiled awkwardly.                                                                                                                                              "Uhh... yeah, thats fi- yeah." said Louis and then he smiled "Come up to my room, my bag is up there"

"Okay, have fun boys, me and the girls are going shopping we'll be a couple of hours. There's food in the fridge and money on the counter if you need it" said Jay. 

"We'll be fine mum" said Louis

They walked upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Umm.. what did you need help with Harry?"

"Well i didn't really understand the second side"

"Oh thats really simple you ju-"

He was cut off by Harry's lips smashing onto his. Louis felt the butterflies in his stomach. The same ones he felt 5 years ago when he first met Harry. He pulled away and sat down.                                    

"I'm sorry. It's just today you looked so good, I had to see what it felt like to kiss you? I should g-"        He was cut off by Louis this time quickly pecking his lips.                                                                            

"You aren't going anywhere, ever" said Louis smiling. Harry smiled.

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sorry to leave on a cliff hanger.

I will update soon hopefully. If i get 2 votes i will create chapter 2

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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