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So I know I've been inactive for basically a year, but I suddenly got inspiration to start writing again, so here we are... BTW I'm using the book as well as the movies for reference, not just the new movie. Please vote, and comment, I love your opinions, but most importantly, enjoy! :)


"Pie," Richie said, filling in the last answer on his math homework. He stuck it in his book and put it away, turning to look who was finished, pretending to stretch. Nobody. Everyone was still working on the classwork. He groaned and sunk down into his desk. 

He stared at the clock, drumming his fingers on his desk, waiting for the bell to ring. Five more minutes. Five more minutes of complete boredom. 

He stared at the second hand, slowly moving in a circle. Slow as a sloth, he thought to himself. 

Suddenly, Rockin' Robin popped into his head, and he couldn't help but tap to the tune. Before long he was humming and bobbing his head too. 

"Could you knock it off?" the blonde girl sitting next to him said, looking up from her paper to shoot a glare his way. 

Richie rolled his eyes and turned back to the clock, but did in fact stop. Only two minutes left until the bell now. Two stinking minutes. 

He stretched his legs out, then pulled them back, then his arms, then his neck, then he went to stretch his back. He twisted himself back on his left, then to his right, but was stopped when he saw someone starting at him. Not just anyone. Henry Bowers. He quickly turned back towards the front, looking down at his desk. Crap. Henry Bowers was staring at him. Not good. Repeat, not good. He snuck another glance back towards Bowers and, yep, still looking at him. Not just looking, glaring. What's he want now? I didn't do anything yet, he asked himself, pushing his glasses farther up his nose. His leg started bouncing nervously, Crap.

"Alright class, remember pages 211 and 212 are for homework," his teacher, Mrs. Medows, said, getting a result of groans from her students.

Ha, already finished it, Richie chuckled to himself, that's pretty chuckalicious

Then, the bell rang. Richie grabbed his backpack and took off out of the classroom, cutting through crowds and looking for the other Losers in the mob of the hallway. He a glance over his shoulder and saw Henry Bowers coming out of the classroom he himself had previously exited and start moving through the crowd. Richie quickly turned down another hallway and started taking an alternate route to his next class, history, yawn. He turned down another hall and looked behind him again, Ha, Looks like I lost Bowers, he thought to himself as he took another turn. And slam! He turned right into the front of someone else. Someone taller than him. Someone muscular. Someone named Henry Bowers. 

"Going somewhere four eyes?" Henry asked grabbing the front of Richie's shirt and pushing him back into a wall of lockers. Some of Henry's gang, Belch Huggings and Vic Criss, moved in and stood next to Henry, blocking any way of Richie's escape. 

"Well I was planning on going to history, but if you're offering to take me on a date instead-" Richie said, but being cut off by Bowers slamming his fist into the locker next to him.

"Gimme your math homework," Henry said, towering over Richie. 

"No way."

"Let me copy your homework, I know you already did it, so just give it."

"Even if I did, you'd never get away with it. Mrs. Medows would call me up tomorrow and ask why I turned two papers in, and then I'd have to tell her that I didn't. 'Sorry Mrs. Medows, I let Henry Bowers copy my homework and he's  just so stupid he copied my name too,'" Richie said getting a few laughs from people who had stopped to see what was going on.

Richie Tozier Lets Off A Good OneWhere stories live. Discover now