Like fireflies, lingering on my younger days,
The incandescent glow of your eyes have plagued
Me deep beyond the knowledge of the plain
And the soft charismatic pangs of sweetness
And aroma of a lovely collar and beads
That has tucked me when we were
Both strewn yet caressed by the dimming light
Of dawn and encroaching morning mist
Blanketing us together into the deep shade
Of purple and gray and the brackish splash of
Music tugged along our ears on that silly mat.
How could I ever remove the thoughts of the
Face you possess whenever we go to sleep.
I could hold your thoughts in my hands while
You have closed your eyes on the pillow of my soul?
And the soft breath you just pressed on my nose
And you said you were, and me, I was to be.
I like it when you smile despite the innocence
Of your drowsiness and the feelings of the buzzing
Trees just lulls us both to do nothing and just
Enjoy the moment we have so silently resisted…
There may be days too shallow to fathom
As there are nights too fast to gain
But your fingertips are just like warm candles
Caressing my silent prayers to uplift the
Mournful scowls of morn and the youthful howls
Of dusk breaking the impaired silence so
Painstakingly cuddled in the ticking clock
Of non-existent chores and non-recurrent memories
Of the unknowns and the blanks we have to put
On the paper of our souls, and on our wings trying
To survive the musky, yet aromatic schemes
Of our younger years and fast moving bodies of
Frictions and inertias so inherent in our little lives
26 May 2014
Manila Philippines
midnight muse
Poesiajust letting off the steam of words inside my head that has been cooked up eons ago...