Camber and plain coals
Neither glow nor sparkle
On shades of leaves just
Beginning to sprout on
The growth of the midnight
Sun bringing only the rains
Of frustrations and guilt
So silently cooped up
In a box four by four inches,
We may like the swollen
Bumps on your thoughts
And sheepish thighs yet
The plush and posh of the
Underling’s scowl might
Undermine the proper
Glow of spring and fear
It may seems that it might
Just offend the plain
And the obscure reader
Trying to figure out
The thinking behind
The lavender and the red
so silently cooped up
in a box four by four inches
Yet who knows, maybe
The didactic profanities
Are just the dirty linens
People wear on gold-clad
Robes of fancy, and envious
Haute-couture dying to
Be fashionable on catwalks
Craving to eat parchments
Etched on our ethos to
Disguise the plainness
Of our commonality
In a soft mushy glow of
Linen, wool and myrrh
so silently cooped up
in a box four by four inches
These forms and lines
Treading a narrow path
Are just like ants in
A molehill streaming
Towards a chaotic flashes
Of warm lime lights so
Sacred in their claims
Of passionate art and
Skills married into the
Threads and patterns
Being constantly known
Re-known, rekindled
Remodeled in a spiel
so silently cooped up
in a box four by four inches
We may cringe at
The basic notion of
A line that swirls on
A behemoth of labels
Or a crateful of crystals
Being splashed like
Solid liquids on the plain
Canvass of a watery pie
Piled high then slowly
Plucked silently like
Groves of petals
On a muddy dessert
Of aromatic herbs and pins
so silently cooped up
in a box four by four inches
midnight muse
Poesíajust letting off the steam of words inside my head that has been cooked up eons ago...