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James struts his way into the living room where everyone is sitting. A rumble in the jungle from behind the house is heard and Jeffree goes out to the balcony once more to see his beloved boyfriend ,nathan starrz, being devoured by a tiger. Jeffree turns only to discover that niall and the others locked jeffree and nathan outside. The tiger begins to climb the house where jeffree is standing. A snake slithers from the glass door to where the tiger is and bites the tiger square in the neck. The tiger being bitten falls to its death right on top of nathan crushing all his bones particularly his skull. Jeffree looks at the snake hungrily and chops its head off with his freshly done acrylics. niall unlocks the door to see that Jeffree has caught a new snack.
"Hobi hyung fire up the grill" niall squeals in delight .
"right on it babe " hobi yells in return.
Hobi walks over to the grillmaster2000 , his latest invetion, to fire it up, manny walking with him trying to figure out niall ended up with such a genius. Niall takes the snake from jeffree and tosses it around his neck. he suddenly sassily skips over to where manny and hobi are. niall gently tosses the snake onto the grillmaster. hobi has a look of discust on his face.
"whats wrong hobi?" niall asks worrying for his boyfriends safety.
"its the same snake from earlier " hobi says
"the one that turned into penny?" manny questionably asks. hobi nods his head. the grill sizzles they all turn to see the dead snake laying there dead. manny roughly grabs the snake and tosses it on the ground. The snake starts to shake and all of the sudden the snake turns to penny once more.
"hobi this is your time to shine" manny yells. hobi knowing his gryffindor tactics will not work he decides not to turn in a circle. hobi knows his fear isnt even fear anymore its just radation. hobi is the SUN. he suddenly bursts into a bright yellow circle and burns pennywise to his death. james walks over to the grill and yells "SISTERS WHAT IS GOING ON?"
"oh nothing much" manny squeals. hobi now back to his normal self yells in mannys face "can you stop squealing for once" just then beauty and the beat by ninki minjaj and justin seagull comes on.
"your so beautiful niall" james says
"and your face is so beat" niall says in return.

to be continued

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