Trigger Words

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Bucky x Paige


The moonlight pouring through the window woke the winter soilder from his sleep, for once a peaceful sleep he didn't want to wake up from. Although the sight before him he wouldn't want to miss for anything in the world. Steve was laying across from him, his eyes shut and lips parted in peaceful sleep. His blonde hair messy and spiked from tossing and turning. And between them, the girl he never thought would give him a chance was sleeping nestled against his chest. Her black hair falling around her face and shoulders in messy curled waves. The way she wore it when they went out instead of her straight shiny locks that always seemed the softest. He guessed they had went out for drinks and came home drunk, because he couldn't remember falling asleep or anything else of the night before. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and sat up, the room changing to something dark and otherworldly right in front of him.
He shot up from where he sat, confusion and terror building in his chest. He turned to look at his surroundings, ice, snow, cold. He was back in Russia, Hydra soilders closing in with guns and chains. This wasn't happening, waking up in bed with his lovers, and then this...
He took off running, the cold burning his lungs and stinging his eyes. Tears streaming his cheeks. He had to get home, back to Steve and that dark haired angel that kept him sane. He swore he could hear her voice, just as one of the soilders tackled him to the ground and shoved a rag onto his mouth to keep him quiet. He wanted to scream, call out to the voice he heard. But that God damned soilder kept his hand over his mouth and nose. Just as he was about to pass out, he opened his eyes and shot bolt upright, shouting at the top of his lungs for anyone who might be listening.
"Bucky!" Paige yelped when he shot up, pulling her hand back when he turned to her. His eyes wide and sweat glistening off his forehead. He looked absolutely terrified, his breathing was quick and she swore she could hear his heartbeat. "a-are you okay? You had another-ah!" she jumped when he almost tackled her to the bed, his face buried in her chest and his arms wrapped around her waist. His shoulders shaking with heavy sobs.
"Paige... Fuck, I can't do this anymore... "  Bucky growled through his tears, clutching her nightgown so tight he thought it would rip. They had been at SHIELD for three days and he had made no progress with his trauma. They locked them in a room together so no one could get in and he couldn't get out. Just in case someone happened to say those few words to make him lose himself again.
"I know... I've tried everything but you have to help me, Buck... I'm still learning my powers as it is, so I can't just pinpoint the memories you want gone unless you think of them..." Paige muttered, running her fingers through his messy hair, trying to calm him down.
"well, why couldn't Wanda do it then? Or Vision? Why you!? Why do you have to be stuck in here with me when I don't know if I can stop myself from hurting you if I lose myself again!?" Bucky cried and pushed himself off of her, standing up from the white bed to stand on equally white tile. The entire room was pure white and it just hurt his eyes to look at it anymore. "I want to go home... " he whispered, feeling soft arms wrap around his stomach. His sweatpants riding low on his hips, so her arms rested on his skin rather then his pants or tight tank top. It felt nice, but not the contact he wanted.
"we'll go home, Buck... Soon, we will... I wanted to be the one to help you, Wanda and Vision offered but I wanted to... I'll try again, so sit down... " Paige told him, watching him sit as she asked. She held her hands over his head and closed her eyes. "shut your eyes and please... Think of those memories you want gone... " she said to him, knowing he followed her orders like always. Like a true soilder. Light red static like energy buzzed from her hand to his head, tingling his scalp and leaving his hair standing on end. She had learned to use a power similar to Wanda's, which she didn't know she had lurking inside of her. Much like Wanda, she could make things float, blow things up easily, make an energy shield and also go into someone's mind. But she could erase a memory, completely destroy it until there was nothing left of said memory.
Just as she got started and was rooting through his memories, a knock was heard on the door and broke her concentration. Bucky shooting up to his feet in defense until the all to familiar face of Nick Fury walked in.
"easy now, no need to be defensive soilder. Miss Brooklyn, how is it coming?" the leader of SHIELD asked, his hands behind his back and his head held high like always. The lead had an intimidating factor to him, but it never got to Paige and she always told him how it was, ever since he hired her.
"I was just getting started when you opened the door Fury... What do you need?" Paige huffed, her arms crossed over her chest as Bucky sat back down on the bed. Brushing his hair down again from where it stuck up because of the static energy. He looked down to his feet, avoiding any eye contact with Fury or the other men behind him. He didn't even look up when Steve entered the room to see if he was okay.
"well, you need to hurry and get this sorted. I have bad news." Fury started, pointed at Bucky with a glare. "that book that has the trigger words is missing and we don't know where it went. So, the situation has taken a turn for the worse and if he doesn't get cured soon, he won't leave this room and you won't be allowed to stay. Not until we get that book." he added with a hiss to his voice, both Paige and Bucky looking at the leader with wide eyes. Bucky more scared, as for Paige she was more angry. Taking a few steps toward Nick Fury with her aura showing.
"I will not leave his side, if you think you can make me you have another thing coming! I will get his mind clear of those words, and I will make sure he never has to worry about that damn book again!" she shot back, Steve grabbing her by the shoulders to push her back. Captain America being the peacemaker as always. He pushed her down next to Bucky, kneeling in front of her to look into her eyes and brush her hair back.
"Tony, Jean and Bruce are already looking for it. They have Jarvis and Friday searching everywhere. It'll be okay, I promise. Once they find it, I'm going get it and I'm burning it." Steve assured them, tucking her hair behind her ear and placing a hand on Bucky's knee. Both of his loved ones looking like they would break with the slightest gust of wind.
"you better hope they find it. If not, Bucky won't be leaving this room for a while. You have until tonight to either wipe his memories or find the book." Fury said, exiting the room with a huff. Steve hurrying after him. The blonde turning for a moment to smile at his lovers, both still in shock on the bed.
"I'll find it... I promise... I love you both, so much... I'll be back soon... " Steve whispered softly before he left, not giving either of them a chance to say anything before they heard the door lock again. Leaving them alone in silence again. Bucky began to shake beside her, the bed trembling from how hard he shook.
"Bucky... " Paige whispered, getting up to hug him close to her chest. "we'll get through this, Buck... I'll get those memories out of your mind and they'll get the book... I promise, you'll be okay... " she said gently, kissing his cheek and along his jawline. His scruffy chin tickling her lips. Any other time she would have enjoyed the feeling, but it was different that day and knowing he was hurting hurt her so much, her heart was honestly in pain. He hugged her back, his arms so tight around her waist to hold onto her. She tried to get out of his arms to get started again when the lights shut off, leaving them in darkness.
"what? The fuck is going on!? Hey! Fury!" Bucky yelled, pushing Paige behind him as he stood up. There was a camera in the corner of the room he knew Fury was using to watch them. The little red light that showed it was on, was shut off. Everything was off. A chill went down his spine, something was wrong and it made his anxiety worse. Suddenly, a beep sounded through the room and a man's voice come through the speakers loud and clear.
"well well, if it isn't my little Winter Soilder. It's been a while, hasn't it?" the man said with a chuckle, his accent thick and rich, German. Bucky froze in place when he heard it. Paige looking at him with worry.
"Buck? Who is that? Bucky?... " Paige tried to get his attention, but instead of letting him answer, the man chuckled again and spoke once more.
"me my dear? My name is Red Skull. I'm sure you know me from your lovely little Captain America." the man growled, his voice sounding like he was smiling. "you see, I want my winter soilder back. Mister America stole him from my men and I want him back." he added, pages sounding through the mic. "now, without further adieu, allow me to read off my favorite lullaby." he almost purred the words as he spoke, the sound of pages stopping dead as he begun to read.
"Longing..." Red Skull began, his accent thick German as he spoke the words. "Rusted... Seventeen... Daybreak.... " he went on, Bucky screamed at the top of his lungs and lunged for the camera in the wall. Ripping it from its wall mount and throwing it aside. Red Skull laughing in amusement and continued.
"Furnace... Nine... Benign...." he growled out, relishing in the fact he was going to get his soilder back. Bucky looked desperately for the speakers, Paige jumping and helping him try to locate them. When that failed she rushed to the door, banging on it in hopes that someone would hear and come help them. Of all the times for Steve to not be there, and for Nick to be gone as well. Another loud laugh coming from the hidden speakers in the room.
"Homecoming.... " he continued with a sneer, his voice growing louder over Bucky's screams to stop.
"where is it!!? Where are the speakers!? Paige, get out now!!" Bucky yelled at her, turning to run at the door in hopes to break it down. Only to hurt his arm and send him to his knees. He got up again and tried once more to no affect, his metal arm hitting the door so hard it put a dent in the door but didn't do much else. He had to get Paige out, or he would hurt her!
"One..." Red Skull sang, his voice so loud it echoed in the quiet room. The last word he almost hollered into the microphone, a sadistic laugh leaving him as he said the last word. "Freight Car!"
Bucky froze, his shoulders going rigid and his back arching. Paige backed up into the corner, her eyes wide and tears filling her vision.
"good morning, soilder." Red Skull purred, another long chuckle sounding in the speakers. He was enjoying this.
"Ready to comply... " Bucky spoke, a growl to his voice as he straightened up. His shoulders cracking as he flexed.
"good good, now. Your first order, kill this girl. I will give you another order once you do it." Red Skull said, and just as he did the lighting came back on and the last camera in the room beeped back to life. This couldn't be happening, not to Bucky, not to her.
"B-Bucky... Please, listen to me-" Paige tried, but was cut off by her lover charging her and knocking her to the ground. She gasped as he knocked the wind out of her, his arm against her throat making it hard to breath. Her hands were still free, her power sparking to life as she waved her hand and flung him off and against the door. She got up onto her knees, coughing to catch her breath again, her throat sore and hurting from the pressure. "Bucky! Listen to me! It's me! It's Peggy!" she tried again, managing to jump from in front of him, using her telekinetic power to push him down to the ground. She wasn't used to this, using so much energy to keep him held down to the ground, and he was fighting It to the point he got to his knees.
Paige slowly backed up, growing weaker the longer she held him down. She heard footsteps coming her way, if she could just hold him a bit more. Steve called out to her, the doorknob rattling as he tried to unlock it to no avail. Just that small distraction enough to break her concentration and let Bucky up. Before she could move he was on her and had her pinned again, his hands tightly around her wrists. She screamed, pain shooting up her right arm and into her shoulder.
"Paige!!! Hang on!!!" Steve yelled, hitting the door with his should to get it open. It only took a few hits before it flew open and he was on Bucky in a flash, pinning his boyfriend down to keep him off of her. Paige sat up just as more soilders ran in, helping restrain Bucky and shackle his hands and legs so he couldn't move.
"d-don't hurt him! It isn't his fault! Move, let me erase his memories!" Paige yelled, pushing Steve out of the way just as a medic shot Bucky with a tranquilizer, knocking him out cold so he wouldn't hurt anyone else. She got in his lap and shut her eyes, focussing the last of her energy to search his mind. Easily finding the words floating in darkness.
It took an hour, but she erased all of the triggers and memories of Hydra that plagued his mind. She touched her forehead to his, knowing he would be okay now and everything would work out in the end. Just then, she fell back into Steve's arms and passed out. Unaware of what happened to her wrist or to Bucky after that.
She awoke in a hospital bed, an IV in her arm and her right wrist wrapped in blood gauze. A man was asleep in the chair next to her, she couldn't see him that well after just waking up and the room being dark, but she thought it was Bucky. She whined and reached out to him, freezing when she saw it was Hawkeye. He stood up and rubbed his eyes.
"hey kiddo... You alright? You had a bad night huh? Just lay down and rest okay, you'll feel better tomorrow." Clint told. Her gently, pushing her back down with a fathers touch. He pulled the blankets back up over her chest and brush her hair from her face. "you have about ten stitches in your wrist, dolly. You lost a lot of blood... When Bucky grabbed you he broke your bracelet and it pieces your skin... Ripped you open... Here.. " he added more softly as he sat on the bed beside her, reaching to rub her upper arm with gentle pressure and loving touches as he handed her the bag with said braclete in it, she took it and was barely able to notice what it was. The gold bent and broken, the places where their names were etched completely ruined. Bucky had given her that braclete with his name, hers and Steve's on it for her birthday. And it was ruined.
"where's, w-where's Steve and Bucky?..." Paige asked him, her eyes closing again with the sweet gesture from the older man.
"well... Here's the thing kid, Fury isn't letting Bucky go yet. Steve's trying to talk him into putting him under house arrest, but it isn't going so well... " Clint responded, his hand going to her chest to keep her from shooting up out of the bed. Because he saw her eyes go from relaxed to wide open and fearful in the matter of a second.
"what? W-what do you mean!? I erased the triggers!! That's what Fury wanted!?" Paige yelled at him and tried to get up, only to be held down by Hawkeye. "let me go! Let me go get Bucky!" she cried, trying to fight her way out of the bed.
"lay down! You'll reopen your wound if you fight like this! Tony and Steve are trying everything to get Bucky out, but Fury won't budge!" Clint said knack hurry, looking up to Natasha who just walked in. "help me with her, she isn't listening to me!" he hissed through his teeth, Paige struggling in his arms to get up.
"let her go, Clint. There's no stopping her when her lover is in solitary confinement." Natasha said, watching as Paige froze in place. Even Clint looked at his partner with a worried expression.
"solitary? Fury said he was going to stay in the same room... Why solitary!?" Clint asked, knowing being in a dark room alone with no windows would make things worse.
"because there is no cameras or speakers there and it's the only place that can keep him and the people around him safe." Natasha said apologetically. Her eyes cast down to her boots when she spoke. The entire room went silent as the words sank in, Clint shaking his head and walking around the room with his hands clutching his hair. Natasha sitting in the chair Clint was in with her phone in her lap. Waiting for a message from someone. And Paige, frozen in place on the bed. Tears streaming her face and her body trembling. Before either of them could get to her, she had the IV ripped from her arm, throwing the hospital gown across the room as she grabbed her dress she had on earlier that night. Red with blood, her blood. She didn't care, putting it on just as Clint grabbed her left arm.
"you are not leaving this hospital! Lay back down!" Clint ordered her, his arm being flung off of her by her aura. He took a step away from her, Natasha standing from her chair.
"Peg, please... They'll get him out, trust Tony and Steve to-" Natasha tried to comfort her, only to be pushed back into the chair by Paige's energy.
"don't... Don't fucking tell me, what to do, when my boyfriend is scared in a room alone... I'm going to SHIELD, and I'm getting him out even if I have to fight." Paige growled, leaving the room without another word. Clint and Nat just looked at each other before following her out, Vision waiting outside with Wanda. They had just showed up to check on her when they overheard the situation. Wanda looking at her with sadness in her eyes, vision bowing his head to her as she walked past. None of them stopping her, just followed to accompany her to SHIELD.
They made it in record time, Clint showing her the way to solitary. SHIELD had everything, prison cells, insane rooms and solitary confinement. Anything you needed to house criminals of different backgrounds and strengths. They could hear Tony raising his voice the longer he spoke, something about how Bucky didn't deserve what he was getting and how he would take him back to his place to watch him.
"Fury, come on! I can build a cell for him in a day and he can stay with me and Jean! I'm good for this stuff, you know that! You can't keep him locked up like this, if you do his mind will get worse, take it from me!!" Tony continued, his hands gesturing to a door behind him and Steve. The blonde super soilder shaking where he stood, ready to go off and hit Nick Fury squar in the nose. Which he didn't have to, Paige pushed past Fury and Tony, walking around Steve to get to the door.
"miss Brooklyn! You better not open that door, or I'll have you thrown in with him!" Fury ordered, about to grab her when she turned to glare at him. Her eyes glowing bright red with anger.
"no, Nick, you're going to open the God damn door and let me in. I'll show you he isn't a threat to society anymore." she growled, clenching her fists at her sides. Fury looked at her for the longest time, before he deflated in front of her and ordered one of the guards to unlock the door. Grabbing Paige by her left hand before she went in.
"fine, show me he isn't a threat. But if he is, you will leave with Stark and Rogers until I decide to release Barnes. Do you hear me?" Fury growled low, looking Paige right in her red eyes. She just nodded and opened the door to the cell. Her breath hitched at what she saw, the red fading from her eyes and her aura fading. Bucky was chained to the far wall, no windows or lighting to be seen. He was on his knees, a collar around his neck and chained to the wall along with his wrists, his left arm attached with extra chains and shackles. When he looked up his eyes were red and his cheeks were stained with tears, his lips red and bitten from trying his hardest not to scream.
"Paige... I... " Bucky whispered, his voice cracking and hoarse from lack of water and trying to call for Steve after being thrown in the room he was in now. He tried to stand, the chains holding him in place rattling as he moved. He would have panicked if it wasn't for Paige falling to her knees in front of him and pulling him into a hug. She heard guns cocking behind her and feet shuffling. Knowing exactly what they were doing, if Bucky made a wrong move they would shoot to kill.
"back, off." Paige growled low, her aura making a shield to protect her lover from the gunfire.
"stand down, all of you." Fury huffed indignantly, waving his hand at his guards. "like I told you before, agent Brooklyn, if he is still a threat to society I will have to keep him here until my scientists can do something better." he added, looking down his nose at her and Bucky like they were lower then dogs. She hated when Fury acted like he was so much better then them, but he had his kind moments. He was just looking out for civilians like always, but she would prove Bucky wasn't a threat.
"Paige... Get me out, I can't... Where's Steve? It's dark in here and I c-can't move.." Bucky cried against his girlfriends shoulder, hiding his face so no one could see. He heard footsteps approaching them and glanced to see Steve standing behind Paige, his hair messy and face pale, not like he normally looked. Full of life and happiness, he looked tired and just completely done.
"we'll get you out, Bucky... Just bare with me... I'm going to say a few words, okay? Listen closely..." Paige whispered against his ear, kissing along his neck until her lips touched the cold metal of the collar he wore. She bit her lip and leaned back, looking him right in the eyes. It broke her heart to see him like this, but he wouldn't forgive long.
"Longing... " Paige started to recite the words that would trigger Bucky's mind control. His face stayed the same, no reaction out of him at all. So she continued. "Rusted... Seventeen... Daybreak... Furnace... " she continued gently, leaning with her forehead against his. Her eyes were closed and so were his, she could feel him shaking against her. She got a little worried, but continued on with the words. "Nine... Benign... Homecoming... One... " she whispered, her hands going to his cheeks and up to his hair. Gripping it gently to keep him focused on her. The last word would determine everything, he never said stop, he never even tried to pull at him restraints. He just shook, like he was cold or crying. Paige took a breath and muttered the last word against his forehead. "Freight Car... "
The room went silent, everyone holding their breath for Bucky to utter the three words that would show her mind cleansing didn't work and he was still under Hydra's control. When no one spoke up, Bucky looked desperately between everyone, waiting for someone to say something. His eyes landing back on Paige, his eyes wide and terrified.
"what's supposed to happen?... Peggy... W-what's happening? Those words?.." Bucky asked, his voice trembling. It so wasn't like him, to sound so weak and helpless. But he was tired and just wanted to go home. Steve hit his knees and Tony grinned, the others clapping and almost cheering that it worked. Fury had his men unshackle Bucky from the wall, letting him fall against Paige's chest. He clung to her like he would be taken away again, and she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Steve joining them by cuddling against their sides, his arms around them both protective.
"it worked... I can't believe it... " Paige cried, her face buried in Bucky's hair. "Buck... I erased all the bad memories... You remember nothing of those words or what happened seventy years ago... " she told him gently, realization dawning on him. Bucky felt a chill run down his spine, some memories were still there, but all the bad and hurt things were gone. He still had memories of fighting Hydra alongside Steve, falling the from the cliff where he thought he had died. But everything else gone, the next memories were encountering Steve in his apartment and running from Black Panther. That's where his memories started up again and everything after that was nothing but good. Paige and Jean stopping the Civil War, Tony giving him his new arm, moving in with Steve and their angel. Everything was so simple now, and it would stay that way.
"Well I'll be damned. Right Miss Brooklyn, you can take Barnes home then since you managed to remove every memory involved in his mind control. Well done." Fury praised her, stepping aside when she stood and helped Bucky up. Before she could even step out the room Bucky had her in his arms like a bride, carrying her out and into the long hallway of solitary confinement rooms and to the main lobby of SHIELD. Everyone following them for a few steps until they realized Bucky was heading home. Steve and Tony exchanged a brother hug before the Captain rushed after his Soulmates. The world seemed brighter then ever, just knowing his Bucky wouldn't have to be afraid anymore. He would have nightmares of Hydra, or of being controlled. It would all be okay. They would get the book back from Red Skull, place it in the vault at SHIELD, and it would be over. Bucky could join the Avengers for real, be apart of their group and be the hero he deserved to be. Once they got home he wouldn't let his lovers out of his bed, they had a lot of catching up to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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