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It was one of those days in Auradon Prep, craziness every now and then. Mal stopped doubting herself as a Lady of the Court, especially as the Queen of the United States of Auradon. Despite the small dirty tricks here and there, the group of 4 best friends properly settled down in the kingdom.

It was a pleasant change of heart to reach out for those in desperate need, in the Isle of Lost, and Aruadon. However, there are always consequences with every choice made... and even being generous to the poor can result in harsh backlashes from the nobles...

The school bell rang and it was the first period, History and Lore. The lecture used to be a drag, until Professor Milo Thatch, Father, began to explore forgotten realms. His passion under on that genre inspired me to learn more about every realm. Especially those no one ever cares to remember about. Today was prep pop quiz for the end of year exams. Groans echoed the classroom with the entrance of the Headmistress' Fairy Godmother, who is substituting for the week, as she continued on the introduction of magical kinetic energy spells.

After a few random quizzes between students regarding magic, I was summoned by Fairy Godmother to demonstrate kinetic magic with my talisman blue gemstone crystal, resting on my tanned skin. With a slight hesitation to the front of the class, intimidating glances caused a shiver down my spine before preparing the demonstration.

I focused my magic on the gemstone as it made the classroom dull and quiet, while bright sky blue stripes formed on my biceps, only to reveal a battle scar on my right eye but covered in the blue light. Gasped were heard as I monitored the room before showing a technique of kinetic energy as my long blue-silver hair floated in the air. I rest my hands in front of my chest, the gemstone well rested on the palms - my left hand began doing several moves near the stone as the light from the gemstone began to glow violently, revealing a small magical aura. Students hairs began to dance on thin air as Fairy Godmother tried to reposition herself after a small fright. It was not long until A few pencils from randomly selected students slowly spun, caused a small chaos of panic. With careful placements of pencils back on the desks, the school bell rang for the conclusion of the first period. I snapped out of my trans and returned to my normal form. The school bell rang as Headmistress began to shout orders of homework and revision for next weeks pop quiz. I headed my way towards the library, in hopes to continue my self-taught thesis - avoiding chaos as busybodies flooded the hallways.


Upon my studying, I began to dig into the forgotten heritage and the actual meaning of Atlantis, the Forgotten Kingdom. Of course, it meant the lost underworld realm, just off Ice Land's shores, but it does not define the true findings of origins of my people. It may have been documented from past travelers and pirates, but they are fake. Fake. Their purpose was just to grab some money from historians. But who? People like Father only cared about their findings and not much around them. This is evident through my Father's discovery of Atlantis, explorers didn't give a damn about my Father. Just the wealth of the Jews of the Kingdom. Sometimes I just wondered why he didn't

all Father gave me was his journal from his adventures with mum. All it contained was hidden messages, with notes on Father's discovery on the forgotten Kingdom but also translation of Mother's dialect. Several circles were identified around several keywords in Atlantian but also rough drawings of terrain.

The library had a few history backgrounds on the weapons, leaders and even small memoirs of those who escaped the horrific fate. I grabbed a few textbooks which focused on the origins of folklore, describing the magic of the gemstones and hidden gestures that would improve the magic. After photocopying a few pages of the textbooks I found the library, I began to cross-reference specific evidence that would help understand Father's message.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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