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(y/n) POV

It's been a month since I started at GH Entertainment and it's been two weeks since my boss put me with this group called BIG. All the make up artists are assigned someone since there are a lot of us, and of all people I was assigned with Benji aka Bae Jae Wook. I don't know what happened but after one week of working with him I... I kinda started to fall for him.

"(y/n)?" I heard a voice call

"huh? Oh yeah I'm sorry what were you saying Benji?" I said snapping out of my trance

"I asked what you had planned tonight because the boys and I want to go out and have dinner if you would like to come." He said with his sweet smile

"uh.... I um... I-I can't because I have something to do after work tonight."

"Ok then I'll help you, I'll go talk to them right now."

"NO!!.... I mean I don't really need help and besides you'll be bored with me."I said nevously

"Well thats ok because I get to hangout with you at least. I don't mind being bored because if you need help I'll be there to help." He said with his sweet smile

I thought of fighting to convince him not to come but I knew it was no use because the guys all told me that once he decides on something he won't change his mind. 

I sighed and gave in.

"fine but you have to bring something to do because I'm not going to need help." I said walking away.


After work I was walking through the lobby to head to my car when I heard laughter coming from behind me. I quickly ran around the corner so I would at least try to avoid Benji at any cost because if he comes with me I'll fall for him even more.

I stood by the big plant by the elevators and pretended to be talking on the phone.

"Hey Benji are coming with us right now or are you going to be waiting for your buddy?" Heedo asked while winking and elbowing him.

"do you mean (y/n)? Yeah I think I'm going to pass because she can't come cause she has something important to do after work and I said I'll help her." he replied rubbing his head and blushing.

"OOOHHHH what are you guys going to do?!?" J-Hoon teased

"I don't know what she is going to be doing but I'm going to be with her to help." he said smiling

"I have an idea of what she might do!" Gunmin said

"what?" Benji asked him

"well don't you know?"

"know what? What am I suppose to know hyung?" He asked confused

"she has a mad crush on you Benji hyung." Minpyo replied 

"what? No she doesn't I say she likes Gunmin more she talks about him a lot." Benji said while blushing

"That's not what she told me..." Gunmin said in a teasing voice

" What? What did she say, what are you talking bout hyung I can tell she likes you!" He said getting frustrated and blushing

I quickly looked behind me worried that Gunmin might tell him that I like him. I saw Gunmin looking at me with a devilish smile then he looked at Benji.

"Well I guess you are going to have to ask her!" He said pointing in my direction

I gasped and quickly turned around trying to hide my beating red face.

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