Valentines Realm

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Chapter 1

"Life is just pain to Me. The older I get, the more I understand. All I have is him now," Sypher thought to himself. Then with great reflexes, he raised his gunblade to block his trainer and guardian, Leon Alexander's attack.

"Come on Sypher. Are you not the son of the legendary soldier, Alucard Valentine? Tell me, who are you? Answer that." Leon asked aggressively.

With what felt like rage but was confidence, Sypher struck with full speed and power with his gunblade knocking off Leon's sword out of his hand saying, "I am Sypher Valentine!" and swung his sword to the side striking a intimidating pose. After shouting those words, he went to his hands and knees on the floor tired. He smiled though. To Leon, it was surprising to him. Sypher hardly smiled mainly because of his haunting past.

His parents had died when he was just 14 in the war of Dimentions. His father, Alucard Valentine, was a true warrior. He had an extremely kind heart and a brave soul. Alucard made a great sacrifice along with his mother, Cynthia Valentine. Sypher had a brother also. But he disappeared after what happened to Cynthia and Alucard. Bad things can still be heard from him time by time. But Sypher never really believed it. Sypher's birthday was coming up. While the days passed, Sypher practiced and practiced with his gunblade technique. Then before he knew it, his birthday came up. Leon celebrated it and gave him a cake and had a few of his other friends and trainers showed up on his birthday. Sypher had a excellent time. But in a quick day, ended. It has been a day since Sypher's birthday, Leon went up to him and said "We need to talk eventually. It's important."

So later after a few days, they talked. Leon told him that there is way more beyond this world than Sypher thinks. Sypher looked in confusion. But Leon finished with, "There are different Dimensions. Different people, stronger than I am. Even you. But they all hunt one person in particular, Vincent Valentine." Sypher heard those words and stood in shock. "My brother Vincent?!" "Yes, your brother. It is said he is going to the King's realm to find the Spirit of Destruction to take over all realms. From how i see it, i believe YOU need to finish him." Leon said. Those words struck Sypher.

He stood there with wide eyes, struck with awe but grabbed his gunblade and said to himself "It has to end then... with my own hands." Later that day, he left in a realm portal and wandered off into another realm. The start of something new and old, is changing. What Sypher feared couldn't be his downfall. Why let fear take control of you, when all it does is just take you over into the fools nation? The nation of self pity and disappointment in only yourself.

Chapter 2: The process of how it feels going through realms was confusing to Sypher. All he felt was just a gust of air, saw light and dancing colors, then passed out until he landed. It was his first time going through the portal of another realm. He still made it though. After Sypher landing, he looked around and wondered where he was. "Where am i?" He asked a man. "Valhalla's realm" Then he walked away. Sypher thought to himself. Then he found a map of Vahalla. "The forest. There is bound to be something there... Wait, what is bringing me to the forest??" Great confusion overpowered him. Though he ignored it and just left to where his heart was bound to go. He walked gently and bravely, searching the forest for a portal. He felt a small gust of air and quickly rose his gunblade wondering to himself what and where the noise was. Then his eyes closed and then he opened them and his eyes were bright green doing what Leon tought him. It was a technique of sight. His eyes acted like a heat sensor and spotted the target extremely quickly. He charged at a tree trying to attack the person behind the tree. The mysterious person dressed in a bright purple swiftly dodged the attack and stood face to face with Sypher like it was a battlefield. Sypher couldn't see the persons face.

But slowly, the being in the purple cloak removed the hood to show Sypher a pretty girl with Black hair with Purple tips that was as long as to her shoulders. She had silver eyes. "I am Rose Valkyrie, protector of Valhalla's forest. What reason does a being like you have in this kind of realm?" Sypher stood and had his battle stance the whole time while listening to the serious abrupt words. He thought to himself to either strike or call a truce. Rose stood and pulled out a purple crystal blade with a celtic design covered with a pure white and black color on the

handle of the blade then bent down and lifted her arms up to the side of her face pointing the tip of the sharp blade in her fighting stance to

prepare for duel. "No answer huh? Then die by the protector!". Without hesitation, Sypher swiftly and hastily pulled out his gunblade and

pointed it towards Rose aiming the gun part of the sword towards her. Rose disappeared and ran for a surprise attack. She dashed for a

quick kill holding her sword out. A quick duck and weave from Sypher saved him. "Ok, First, she is crazy! Second, THANK YOU Leon for this

training. Im glad I could put up with her swift and haste technique. She is kind of.. like you in technique." He thought inside his mind. Through

various clings and clashes of swords combining together between Sypher and Rose. The quick reaction of Sypher's abilities shot a piercing

bullet at Rose and it hit her sword making her lose balance and her sword. Rose climbed up a tree and shot toward her sword and grabbed it

then stood across from Sypher. Rose's sword started making a strange purple glow. She said as the sword grew more brighter, "By the

power of the Brotherhood sword, i will use it to destroy what evil is inside the beloved forest! ESPECIALY you!" Rose lifted the blade to the

sky for the initial blow. With great reflex and reaction, Sypher grabbed her arm and the glowing stopped as Rose looked deep into his eyes

as Sypher spoke saying, "Dont do such a thing. I am not the enemy. Just a newbie at this whole thing. I am searching for someone. Are we

done here?" He mentioned all of it as he slowly brought her hand down. "Why must you back down from a fight? it seems unusual. This has

never been done to me. This once I will call it a draw. Now about that person you were searching for.." She said all at once while throwing

her sword in the air and making it disappear into vapor and mist leaving Sypher in confusion and suprise. Then questioned, "Ok, first before I

say a single thing, HOW did you do that?!" "Do what?? The sword?" "Yes the sword.. it just, disappeared into thin air!" "Brotherhood magic.

its water vapor crystalized. So its easy to put anywhere. Now, i think we got off the wrong sword. The names Rose. Yours?" "Sypher...

Sypher Valentine." Rose stood with shock questioning, "THE brother of Vincent Valentine!?" "Yes.. i'm not the enemy like i said 20 times ago!

I need to finish him.." Rose studied his face and questioned his self esteem. "You really think you can defeat Vincent yourself?? You need to realize his power! Not even the brotherhood can defeat him! Just because you know the ancient gunblade technique doesnt mean you can defeat him just like that you know." Sypher read every word she said and thought very hard. "Would you be able to do me a favor??" Rose moved one eyebrow up questioning him with her arms crossed. "Yes??" "Will you be able to uh.. join me to fight further and help me take my brother once and for all?" Rose stood there for a minute. "All I can say is, if you don't fulfill your little promise, I'll be sure to kick your ass before we both die or something like that."

"Hey hey hey we don't have to get so aggressive now"

"Well when you want a brotherhood member to join your rebel against some douche who so happens to be your brother, yeah i'm going to be aggressive. Get used to it"

Rose hit Sypher with her gauntlet and then started walking away from Sypher and heading out of the forest with her hair short hair in the wind and her

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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