16) Drama

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There is still a looong way before the guild is finished being rebuilt. I am really excited to see how it will look, when it is finished.

''(Y/N), are you done?'' Ask Mirajane over by the bar table. I am over by the request bord, setting up the job request papers on the board. In two days, have I travel to different cities and collected all those requests for our guild. Many guild members are losing some money, so we are letting them go on some jobs, while the construction of our guild is continuing. Everyone, who isn't going on a job, has to help with building the guild. We have hired some professionals, but we will be faster with more hands.

''I am done.'' I call back to her and place the last one on the new request board. Mirajane nodded and call out to the entire guild.

''Everyone. You can all take jobs again, starting today. It's just a temporary counter, but do all the jobs you can.'' Announce Mirajane the good news, and immediately several members arrived to the board in a second. I managed to get out of the way in time.

''What is with them?'' Wondered Lucy, just arriving at the guild. I sat to her left on the bar table. ''Usually they are just hanging around not taking any jobs.'' That is true, do usually do that. Mirajane just giggle at that commend.

''Maybe they are happy to get some money.'' I suggest with a bright smile and eat my small bowl of pre-cutted fruits. Lucy just smile back at me and then look around the guild, probably looking for someone.

''Oh yeah, I haven't seen Loke around...'' Chirped Lucy, not seeing the ginger haired boy anywhere. Even I haven't seen him today.

''I see you are finally fallen for Loke's magic touch then, Lucy...'' Says Mirajane and makes Lucy blush a little.

''That is not it.'' Shouts Lucy and pull out her keys. ''I just heard that he found my keys, so I wanted to thank him.''

''Oh wait, I remember seeing Loke yesterday, sick and sweating a lot. I told him to maybe stay home and rest.'' I answered and take a sip of water. ''He also muttered something about a girl. I didn't catch the name.''

''That is alright, (Y/N). But sure Lucy. I'll tell him if I see him around today. By the way, weren't your spirits angry? About you dropping your keys?'' Ask Mirajane curious. My spirits never gets angry if I lose their keys. Mainly because they can easily get out of their gate and find me.

''Oh, it wasn't anything enough for them to get that mad about...'' Wave Lucy off, but I noticed the look on her face. The look on Lucy's face says it went totally wrong. And then her butt started glowing red. ''Just remembering makes my butt sting...'' Poor Lucy. Gray walked passed and apparently heard Lucy, so he asked if she wanted him to cool it down. That was sweet of him. I take my attention over to Erza, who is talking, or more said, arguing at Laxus. Her anger gets so high, that she throws a barrel towards Natsu.

''Try saying that again.'' Erza shouted and give a furious glare at Luxus, who is just sitting down, smirking.

''This time I'll tell you straight out. We don't need weaklings in this guild. When I inherit this guild, will I make sure only the strongest can be here. You guys are pitiful. Getting humiliated by Phantom like that... And wait, I don't even know your names.'' Mock Laxus, which I don't like at all. I don't like he is acting like an idiot to his family. Laxus doesn't stop there and look directly towards me and Lucy. ''And you there, the main culprit, the debutant Celestial Spirit user... It was your fault.''

''No, it is not.'' I defended for Lucy and Mirajane back me up.

''Laxus. It is all over now. No one has been talking about who to blame for it. You have no right to say anything, when you didn't even help us fight. That's what the master says.'' Says Mirajane and keep her calm, but I could feel her anger. All Laxus do is smirking all this time, not taking us seriously.

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