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" I think a park of me will always be
waiting for

A knock took me out of my sleep. Groaning, I shield my eyes from the sun that poured through my window. A bang on the door drew my attention, knitting my eyebrows together I became confused. Nobody said they be coming over.

Suddenly I heard rattling, the rattling of keys. Sitting up I swung my legs over to the side of the bed. Just as I was about to get up the door opened, squiring I tried to make out who it was. But I came to no avail. They came closer and realisation hit me.

" What the fuck is this mess rose?"

Alice, of course it is she is the only one to the keys of my place and now begin to think why I gave her a spare pair of keys in the first place.

" Why is there glass everywhere?"

As I was about to answer she spoke again.

" you look like fucking shit, no not even that's an insult to shit you look worse than that"

Rolling my eyes, I stood up. Scratching my stomach I walked to the kitchen.

" do you need something?"

Opening the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water downing half of it in one go.

" yes I do, for you to fucking grow up and stop being an idiot, what are you doing rose? Wasting your time like this?"

Closing the fridge I turned to her.

" it's none of your business what I do with my time, if you came here to give out to me, leave I'm in no mood for you or your shitty mouth."

Walking back to me bed, she grabbed my wrist.

" when are you ever in the mood? Get yourself together and stop sloping around waiting for him to come back. It's never going to happen, do you understand that? He's gone Rose!"

Pulling my hand from her wrist, I glared at her.

" who are you to say this? You can't even last a week in a relationship without cheating or breaking up! You've never been in love. So shut your mouth."

Her jaw clenched, as she glared at me.

" I'm done with this bullshit, i don't care what the fucking doctor said. Rose the person you say you "love" , the person you say "left" you isn't even real.
He's apart of your imagination, no sorry he's not your imagination he's real but he doesn't even know you exist rose! He doesn't give a shit about you. He never will because he doesn't know who you are."

I stared at her in disbelief.

" do you think I'm stupid and I'm gonna fall for that?, that was pathetic. That was the most shitty
Excuse you have ever gave me"

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