CampBellTown Highschool

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"Wake up Dear, Your breakfast is getting cold. Hurry down stairs when your ready." I opened my eyes, yawning, as my Grandma walked out of the room. I took a shower, then got dressed. Not in anything special though. its not like I even cared.

I walked down stairs, seeing everyone sitting at the table except my dad. He would die if someone tried to get him up this early. I smike thinking about how hard it must be for my mum to get him up at 8 for work.

"Honey.. You okay?" My mum looks at me. I smile realizing I've been staring at them for a few minutes.

"Oh.. Yea. I was just thinking." I look at her wondering why she called me "Honey" without saying I was unsweet and came from a bee's ass.. But she didn't insult me. she just smiled warmly. I sat down at the table, pouring me some Orange Juice. "Mum, do I have to go to school today? Can I just stay out this once. You already forced me to come here  Can I get something I want now please.?"

She tilts her head, giving me a "what did you jjst say" type of look. "No. You have to go. It won't hurt you one bit." She drags the word  "Hurt" out makIng me catch It. I look at her pissed. She knows she's only acting like this to me because were in front of her parents. If we weren't she'd probably call me fucking brat and yell at me. Then I'd be grounded for 2 months.. She's always been hateful to me ever since I turned 9. It was my birthday, and my Uncle and Auntie came over to visit. The problem was my uncle tried to touch me. I tried tellIng my mom about it and she called me a liar. Then I told my dad and my uncle just saId he was trying to help me fix my shirt. Ever since then, she doesn't believe anything I say and doesn't care either. But I guess Ive learned to not care so whatever!

I ate a few bite's of the Burnt Toast mum made, then I left on my way to school. I looked at the directions my grandma gave me, trying to read them, but I can't understand a thing she wrote. I look around, trying to see if I see anyone who looks like they would go there. There's no one around. Just my luck. I continue walking up the street, and I see a girl about my age walking. Okay Issy. Lets make some friends, I tell myself. I chuckle, and run up to the girl. "Umm.. Can you help me please?" I smile at her, noticing she has long brown hair, blue eyes, and looks more like the "I'm just here for the scholarship type of girl.

"Uhh... Sure.." She looks at me warmly. I assume she's not use to a lot of "Human" contact. My little comment makes me smile and she seems more nervous.

"Do you know where Campbelltown Highschool is?" She wiggles her nose, smiling a bit.

"That's where I go." she smiles expressing enthusiasm, and showing her perfect white teeth. "You can walk with me there if you want."

I nod my head, tucking my dirty blond hair behind my ear. "Cool. Thanks."

"I'm Bayla for the record!" she talks as if she has been a Cheerleader all her life. I just smile and nod at her.

"Cool. I'm Isabelle. But you can call me Issy If you want." I look at her, slightly smiling.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Issy. Are you new in town or something?"

I nod, walking forward."Yea.. Actually I came to visit my grandparents. And my mum is making me go to school while were here." I bit my lip, seeing the huge school in view. Wow. It's front is solid white with a bunch of trees in the lawn. One the edge of the road where you turn in, is a sign that says "Campbelltown Highschool of the Preforming Arts.", and below that it says "Where the best and brightest come to learn.". I smile at the slogan remembering how my old school's slogan was covered in Spray Paint so I never knew what It said. "Oh. Nice. How long are you staying?". She looks at me, and notices I'm staring at the school. "It's huge isn't it?" She smiles. "It's defiantly where the best and brightest come to learn."

I smile, still looking at the school. "I'm here for 6 months. And yes. This place is huge!" I look at her smiling big in sort of a nervous way.

We laugh as we walk the rest of the way. Once where inside she shows me where the office is, and I get my schedule, and go to my first class. I walk in being the center of attention. Nearly every person in that room was sitting in their seat, staring at me like I was gonna do something amazing. I was looking at all of them, trying to see who my preps were, my jocks, my nerds and so on, when the teacher turns towards me, putting and hand out for me to shake. I look at him off guard, and slightly smile, shaking his hand.

"You must be Isabelle." He smiles at me. "Welcome to Trigonometry. Please take a seat anywhere you like."Trigonometry seriously? Im screwed." I turn facing the class again, mumbelIng to myself as I walk towards the first empty seat I see. It's in the middle of a boy who's already asleep, and a girl who's filing her nails. She glances up at me then looks away as if I'm not good enough.

The rest of the class was pretty boring. I didn't do anything but stare off into space, listening to the girl beside me flirt with the teacher, and file her nails. I swear I would have took and broke that filer if the teacher wasn't in the room. It was so annoying, but Its my fIrst day so I need to not get kIcked out for once.

My next class was pretty much the same. and so was the 3rd. When I got to lunch, I looked around praying I'd see Bayla, fInally fIndIng her in the Lunch Line. I walked up there quickly, stopping beside her, tapping her shoulder. "Bayla.. Can I please sit wIth you?" She smiles.

"Of course!" She leans in whispering in my ear. "I don't sit with anyone anyway." I nod, chucklIng a bIt. After we go through the line, and sit down we talk about the school and people. It's felt so good to be able to talk to someone about everything, so I wasn't lost. I have to admit, Bayla is pretty cool.

At the end of school, I say bye to Bayla, heading back to my Grandma's house. I just want to craw in my bed and sleep. Forever. And ever. and that's what I do. But not the Forever and ever part though.

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