|| Carnival Problems ||

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"Baroness? Baroness! Hurry up and get down here!"

In a castle in the Carnival, there lives a Candy Princess. Her name is Baroness Von Bon Bon. She is pretty strict, but she DOES have a soft spot.

Baroness shuffles out of bed and gets dressed. A long, poofy dress covers her legs. Her hair curled on the top. Above her hair is a ice cream cone with a piece of cotton candy sticking out. Pink lipstick covering her lips like a heart.

Bon stood outside to face the wacky clown of the Carnival; Beppi.

Beppi pants and points to the Ferris Wheel. Bon looks up at it and looks back at Beppi.

"You bring me out of here for this stupid Ferris Wheel?" She puts her hands on her hips. "There's nothing wrong with it, Beppi, you doofus!"

"Nononono, T H E F E R R I S W H E E L I S S T U C K ." Beppi spells out letter by letter. Bon grunts at his stupid behavior. "Well is there anyone on the Ferris Wheel?" Beppi nods quickly at Bon's question. He then points to the top of the Ferris Wheel.

Bon squints her eyes and spots a little wooden cup puppet in the top Ferris Wheel seat. Baroness's eyes widen. "Why the hell is Puphead stuck up there, Beppi?" Bon turns to glare at Beppi. He inhales.

"WellmeandDjimmiwereboredandwewantedtotestoutthenewferriswheelsoweput-.." Beppi inhales again. "Pupheadintotheferriswheeseatandwegaveitaspinbutthenitstoppedworkingandthenhegotstucksoicalledyouandnowwereheresoyeah." He inhales and pretends to faint.

Baroness raises an eyebrow. "I have no idea what you just said." Beppi gasps for air and pretends to die again. Bon rolls her eyes and looks over at the entrance at the Carnival. She notices a green dragon, trying to get in the Carnival. Bon walks over to him and opens the gate to the Carnival, letting him in.

"U-Um what's h-h-happening? I-I heard sh-sh-sh-shouting.." Grim stutters shyly.

Grim was always shy, and adorable, Bon must admit. He stutters over his words, but his attacks are pretty deadly.

"Well this brain dead clown here put Puphead into the seat of the Ferris Wheel, and he got stuck up there." Bon crosses her arms and grunts.

Grim looks up at the Ferris Wheel and starts flapping his wings, going higher and higher into the air. He gets up to Puphead, grabs him, and brings him down. Puphead looks up at Grim and hugs him.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me!" Pup thanks him about one million times. "Y-You're welcome.." Grim smiles shyly.

"Yeah. Thanks Grim." Bon rolls her eyes. She grabs Pup's gloved hand. "We shall be going now, Grim. Thank you for your help." Baroness looks at Grim in the eyes. Grim's cheeks turn red, and his eyes disconnect from hers, onto the floor. Bon smiles at his shyness and walks away from Grim as he takes off.

Baroness sits on a nearby table with Puphead. She gives Pup an ice cream cone so he could be distracted. As he licks his ice cream, Bon's mind is busy on other things. She looks back at Pup, and he looks back at her. He grins widely. "OH MY GOSH!" Bon looks over at Pup and raises an eyebrow. "DO YOU LIKE THE DRAGON? :O!" Pup's eyes light up. "No. Ew. That's disgusting. Why would I have a crush on Grim." Bon rolls her eyes, but Pup doesn't give up. He raises his arms in the air with happiness, his ice cream falling out of the cone.

Pup slowly looks up at his cone then down at the ice cream. "OH COME ON!" Bon exhales. "Go get your dad to buy you another one."

"By why can't y-.."

"GO!" Bon yells and points to the pyramid. Pup sadly walks to the pyramid and goes inside.

Bon gets up and heads back to her castle.

Still thinking. . . .

. . . .

. . thinking about someone . . .

. . . who is this person she is thinking about. . . ?

|~| We'll have to see. . . |~|

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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