Leader of Rhinestone Clan: Emvy. White She-cat with big black spots and light yellow eyes. Kits:None. Mate: Blind Eye. Very kind cat and loves kits. But there's always something odd about her, she's always acting weird. Sometimes she would snap and act like nothing happened. HillTail never really liked her, she didn't trust her. She wouldn't act much as a mate to blind eye, she acted like he was a piece of dust. But blind eye never noticed, he would do anything for her. She wasn't the besttt leader, but at least they had one. Favorite food: Rat. Parents:Unknown. Breed: Unknown. Age 29 (in Two-leg years.)
Leader Mate: Blind Eye. An American short haired Tom-cat. Light grey cat with dark grey stripe markings, one yellow eye, and one yellow blind eye. Was born with one blind eye. (So that's where his name comes from ;D) Also likes kits, and favorite food, sparrow bird. Parents: Unknown. Kits: none. Mate: Emvy. Breed: American Short Hair. Age: 30. (In two-leg years.)
Deputy: RippedHeart. Dark brown and light brown Bengal Tom cat, green eyes, and a Big ugly wound mark on his chest. Mate: None. Kits: None. Very serious, and acts like he's the boss. Doesn't like kits, Always watching his clan closely. very loyal and trust worthy. Got his big wound from a honey badger, but you can probably guess why his name is RippedHeart. Parents: Unknown. Breed: Bengal Cat. Age: 30. (In two-leg years.)
Medicine Cat: FlowerPatch. Rag Doll cat. Blue eyes, loves flowers, very wise for a young she-cat. Very good friends with SnakeSight. She knows how to handle distressed cats, so that's probably why SnakeSight would trust her a lot like he trusts Emvy a lot. Favorite food: Mice. Kits: None. Parents: unknown. Mate: None. But is always looking at Missing Sun, But he never notices her. Breed:Rag-doll. Age: 25. (Two-leg years.)
Warriors: Tales Of HillClan series. (Warrior cats fanfic.)
AdventureThese are just mini reads on what's going on in HillClan! I was making an actual book of this, but I got lazy and it felt boring, so I hope you enjoy!! (WARRIOR CATS BELONGS TO ERIN HUNTER.)