Hi, I'm Brooke Bieber.

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Hey guys, my name is Brooke Bieber. I am 11 years old and live in Stratford, Ontario, Canda with my mom Pattie and my 13 year old brother Justin. We're not as rich as the other kids in town but we were happy.


Tuesday morning, school. I don't mind school, I get to see my 2 best friends, Kim and Kayla.

"Mom i'm off to school, cya!" I shouted to my mom while walking out the door to meet Kim and Kayla.

"Bye hunny, take care!" She shouted back. I smiled and the three of us started walking to school, it was summer so it was hot outside, everyone was walking to school.

"BOO!" Someone jumped up behind Kayla and yelled.

"AHHH! Ryan you jerk! You gave me a fright!" Kayla screamed. Ryan Butler was her big brother, he was my brothers best friend. Ryan, Chaz and Justin were always together, they have been best friends forever and are always pulling pranks on the girls and I.


We had arrived at school, today was going to be a long day, I can tell. I had English first, that didn't bother me as I sat next to Kim and Kayla, I had a lot to tell them.

The bell rang and we all took our seats, Mrs Cassidy started going on about how we all had to do a project over the next 3 weeks. This was going to fun, after all I was partnered with Kayla and Kim. We spent the whole period discussing and sharing ideas on what we could do, we decided to meet at Kayla's at about 6pm that night.


"Mom, please can't i stay?" I begged my mom, I didn't want to leave.

"No hunny, this is a big opportunity for your brother, for all of us. Please start packing." She replied, she smiled as she headed out the room.

You see, my brother Justin put up videos of him singing on youtube and now some guy has contacted us saying he would like to sign him to a record label, which ment we had to move to Atlanta. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy for Justin, I just dont want to leave my friends behind. I guess I better text Kayla telling her I can't come over tonight.

"Hey Kay, sorry I can't come over tonight, I umm..have things to do, sorry.xo" I pressed send as I chucked my phone on my bed and started packing boxes.

"Hey Brooke, why not? Kim and I will make a start on the project but i'm expecting an explaination for this!xo" Kayla text back. It's going to be hard telling her and Kim. I mean, they knew about Justin's singing and all, but I hadn't told them about moving yet. The only people who knew about Justin's singing were Kayla, Kim, Ryan, Chaz and Nolan.

I had packed about 4 boxes and decided I should get some sleep, so I text Kayla back. "Yeah, I'll explain tomorrow, night xo" I sent it, then locked my phone and fell asleep.

Hi, I'm Brooke Bieber.Where stories live. Discover now