I - Letting My Feelings Grow

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( I)


''Will you please pass the steak, Laur? I politely asked my bestfriend.

She handed me the plate with her usual warm smile. "Here you go.''

''Thanks." I muttered between my teeth as a smile crept upon my lips instinctively.

I could feel glaring eyes boring into me not so subtly. And I don't need to crane my neck to check who it was because, I am fully aware of her hostility over me since, they started dating.

It was none other than, my ex's ex-girlfriend and my bestfriend's currently girlfriend, Lucy Vives.



I heard an all too familiar deep and raspy voice and it never fails to run shiver down my spine and somewhere else. I could feel her presence beside me. Jesus, her voice alone made me go crazy.

"Camz, wake up..."

She began shaking me slightly when, I didn't respond.

After thirty seconds, yes I counted, I heard her sigh and I could feel her removing her weight on the bed. I supposed she left.

I don't wanna be up this early besides it's Sunday! And I know my gorgeous best friend is a morning person and I am so much the opposite. She probably wants to invite me for our usual breakfast which I honestly would love to, but not until, Lucy the great Vives showed up one morning and pathetically shove herself to my best friend in front of me. Like, seriously? That's one hell'a move to make me jealous. She probably had embarassed herself by being too bold.

Because one thing I know, Lauren craves for books more than sex. Just like what she says: 'I'd rather watch NatGeo than Pornhub'. Indeed, she live up to it. She never denied had watched those kind of videos but she still prefer her favorite channel, NatGeo or Cartoon Network.

She's simply a nerd, to be exact, a hot nerd with a heart of a kid.

I may or may not know if she's a virgin or not but, one thing's for sure, she never invite anyone for a sleepover in our shared apartment. She may or may not had or have a quickie or make out session with someone inside her room but, she maintains it subtle. I never walked on anything or interrupted anything besides sweet gestures of cuddling, hugging, and short kisses. Also, it's not my job to meddle with someone's relationships, even with my best friend. Yes, we talk about usual love and life advices, but not to extent of meddling with each others lives too much.

That's something I admire about Lauren. She's a respectful and private when it comes to her relationship. She's romantic and sweet and simply perfect. Her patience is one of her strong suits like she always bring a large sack of it wherever she would go. I seldomly witnessed her getting mad or pissed off about something or someone, well, except for a few instances. She hates it when someone messes up with her family and close friends. That's how protective and loving she is. One of the few times I saw her angry is also the most terrifying scene of my life. That is when my childhood ex-bestfriend, Austin, almost harassed me. He was sentenced to jail and my family and I couldn't be more grateful of Lauren's rescue.

I stirred slightly as I didn't feel sleepy anymore. I didn't mind opening my eyes and I stretched my arms widely and yawned. I took a peek at the digital alarm clock sitting on the wooden desk.

God, it's too early! It's only 6:20 a.m.!

I groaned, pulled the sheets onto me and, hid under the covers as I lay on my side. I bet the sun isn't even fully up there beaming mightily. But, a voice made me open my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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