Montague vs. Capulet High School [[Romeo and Juliet Rewrite Project]]

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Act 1, Scene 1 – Montague High School

-Enter Michael and Matt-

Matt: Hey, Michael!!! What’s up?

Michael: Hey, Matt! Ah, nothing really just waiting to get a call from Rose.

Matt: You really like her, huh? Did you hear about the big Halloween party being held uptown with all the Capulet kids? It’s gonna be a blast! Me and some other guys are going and maybe meet some pretty Capulet girls.

Michael: Ahh, I don’t know…..

Matt: Oh, come on!

Michael: I think I’ll be busy that night.

Matt: I hear Rose is gonna be there….

Michael: Wait, what?!?

Matt: Yeah, she was talking about going to some Capulet party uptown and is gonna meet some guys but I guess you don’t want to go so…

Michael: Alright! I’ll go!!

Matt: Yes!!

Michael: BUT! Only if Rose is gonna be there. Cause if she isn’t so help me you better say you’re prayers….

Matt: I promise! I promise!

Michael: You better...

-Bell Rings in the Distance but unable to be heard-

Matt: Oh no! Is that the bell? Ah, man I’m gonna be late.

Michael: See ya, loser!

Matt: Michael remember it’s a Halloween party!! Make sure to bring a mask with you that are all the kids are wearing!! –Matt starts running off-

Michael: -yelling towards Matt who is running away- ALRIGHT! I’ll see you there! You better hope Rose is gonna be there or else! –Michael starts texting and walks off-

Scene 2 Montague High School

-Nurses office-

-Kaysen walks in –

Nurse: Hey Kaysen, are you okay?

Kaysen: Yeah… Well, no…

Nurse: Oh! Do you need a Tums, sweetie? Here, take two, they're small! –Hands her two Tums-

Kaysen: Um, okay… Thanks…but it's not that, people are all excited about the party at my house. And, even though it’s at my house, I don’t want to go. It’s stupid. It’s just another party…

Nurse: Look here little girl. You ARE going to go to the party, have a great time. Meet new people, even kids here from this snobby of a school. If you need me, call me. Okay?

Kaysen: Yeah… I suppose. But, it’s so stupid. –Puts her head in her hands-

Nurse: I know it is, but you gotta! You really need to meet some new people Kaysen!

-Kaysen looks up with a glare-

-Nurse smiles-

Nurse: Now, are going to stay here all period, or are you going back to class?

Kaysen: I’m staying here; I am not going back to Mrs. Claar’s class.

Nurse: Okay, but if someone walks in, you know the routine.

Kaysen: Yup. So, do you need help? I can help you.

Nurse: No, I’m good… Anyway, so what kind of costume are you going to wear?

Montague vs. Capulet High School [[Romeo and Juliet Rewrite Project]]Where stories live. Discover now