At First Sight

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Hey Everyone!!

This is the new fic that I mentioned on the latest chapter of Bonded, I know I'm still working on a few fics but I just can't hold this one in anymore and I just need to publish it!!!

This is going to be my version of College AU of this fandom and if the cover image still doesn't spoil it then I'll say it here. This is DEFINITELY SMUT!! LIKE 70% OF THIS IS GOING TO BE SMUT! I'M. DEAD.SERIOUS!!!

If you don't like it then don't read, I'm not going to be responsible for your lost Innocence. I am after all known for my smut works, or so they told me.

Writing all those feels in Bonded made me so smut deprived and I just really need this.  I just hope you guys will enjoy this too. A special thanks to Booksforlife4901 for helping me come up with the tittle, if not for your help I'll probably come up with a lame ass tittle that I would regret.

This might be wilder than my first fic "Lovedrug Mishap"... But don't worry this first chap won't contain any of that smut yet! 


"Hey Kiri!! That's not the way to the library" Kaminari called up on him with a grin on his face

Kirishima transferred to this college just recently. Even though he was here for two weeks he'd yet to get used to this humongous campus of Yuuei University and he still couldn't be help but get lost at times

"Sorry man" he smiled sheepishly scratching the back of his neck

"No worries bro. This campus is freaking huge and it took me a month just to remember everything around here"

"That long!? Man, there's still so much I need to know then"

The two were walking towards the library and idly chattering with each other as the blonde gives him a tour around the area.

Even so this college was still huge.

As Kirishima was looking in awe at the architectural designs of the library someone had suddenly bumped into him.

"My bad" was all the man said as he continued to walk away and Kirishima could only look at that man thinking that Ashe blonde and that unruly spiky hair seemed so familiar to him.

"Kacchan!!!" A voice called out from behind them

Then something green ran past them so fast that he thought it was just his imagination making him turn back his attention to the blonde and saw a cute green haired boy that he'd definitely mistake for a high school student.

Kirishima couldn't help but just stare the two of them as if he was awe struck

"Geez didn't I tell you not to play with my glasses!!"

"Fuck off Deku I'm helping your image from being a smart student to being a geeky freak with these fucking glasses that doesn't make things more clear for me. It's hard to see in these fucking things!"

"Then don't wear them and just give them back!"

"No! You look so lame in the And I don't want anyone to see me hanging out with a fucking geek"

"If it bugs you that much then you should have thought twice before ruining my contacts last night!"


"What's going on here" interrupted another person whose rather quite handsome of Kirishima would admit.

Plus, he was quite flashy with his hair color split to red and white in the middle and he'd totally pin for him if not for the two women clinging to both of his side like a leech.

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