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This is my first 'serious' book on this website, so I'm hoping this will be a very positive experience for me in my growth as a writer. I'm always open to criticism, so feel free to bark at me about anything you feel is an issue, and I will respond in a friendly and constructive manner.

Additionally, I will also make it a mission respond to all comments, even non-critiques, so please do participate. I promise I don't bite, chomp, or even nibble... Although I feel a little bit of friendly nibbling wouldn't hurt once in awhile... Yes, I know. I'm not good at humor.

Lastly, I'd like to point out that I am not the artist of the cover. If you so happen to be the original creator of the artwork used, and you do not like my using of your artwork for a wattpad cover, let me know and I will take it down immediately.

Thanks, and enjoy the story!

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