There was a storm in the planet Jeldcarz everyone was really scared but suddenly a light appeared and the storm ended and then a teenage boy passed by and when all the people looked at him the light disappeared.
The boy's name was Ethan he was and American boy with green eyes and when he woke up he realized that the dream that he had about the planet Jeldcarz wasn't actually real but he kept thinking "it looked, and it felt real" and then he thought "what if it was... real?!?" and then his mother went in his room and told him "get out of bed or you'll be late for school" he told her "ok. I'll go change" with a soft but firm voice.
When he got to school his friends told him that there was a new girl in their school and that her name was Coral she was an Asian girl with blue eyes.
Ethan saw her and she was writing something but he couldn't see very clear. He wanted to say something to her but he was a little shy whenever he was around her which was weird because when he was around other girls he wasn't shy at all.
When the class was over she put the journal she was writing on in her purse and went to the school bus to get home; he was in the bus too. The bus arrived to her home and she got out of the bus she dropped her journal in the bus unfortunately she didn't realized it but Ethan did he picked up her journal and when he arrived to his home he put the journal in his desk. A part of him was really curious about what was written inside and wanted to open it but another part of him knew that it was Coral's privacy and couldn't open it. He had a lot of pressure under him about whether he should open the journal or leave it like it is and give it back to her tomorrow.
He decided to open it. While he was reading it he saw this really familiar word "Jeldcarz". He was trying to remember where had he seen it and the moment he sat on his bed he remembered that Jeldcarz was the planet from his dreams he was wondering how did Coral had known about it. While he was reading it he was realizing that every single detail from Coral's journal was in his dream.
The next day at school Ethan decided to seat next to Coral to see if he could make her talk to him about what she knew about that planet when Coral was staring at Ethan in class Ethan decided to take out from his backpack his journal and wrote in a really cool handwriting "Jeldcarz" just to see if Coral would ask him about it. And she did, she said "Where did you come out with that name?!?" And Ethan told her " in a dream" "why?" "Do you know something about it??!" And she told him " No" with a fast, firm, soft, and shy voice. Then the both of them turn around and started writing what the teacher had wrote on the white board.
Ethan got kind of confused in the math equation and Coral knew that he wouldn't do it right himself so she helped him and thanks to her he got the equation right. But he was still wondering how did she knew about Jeldcarz. He tried to think, he did a research about her, and about Jeldcarz, but nothing ever appeared.

My Dream in Her Journey
Fantasy" If only I had an idea of where did she came out with the name Jeldcarz¡"- Ethan