Kris and Kyle meet Team Crafted (One-Shot)

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Kyle and I are walking in the mall heading to game-stop I'm eighteen and Kyle's Eight so I'm responsible for him whilst my mom gets to relax, He seems alot older than eight though, He has a bigger vocabulary than most and in my opinion is more mature than most, I think that has to do with me though... So, we were walkng along when all of a sudden I spot Team crafted

"Hey, Kyle Look, It's team crafted." I say nudging him and nodding in their direction.

"How do you know?" He asks unsure.

"I accidently looked them up on google.."

"KRIS!!" Kyle shouts sounding very shocked and startled.

" I was curious and once i started reading I just couldn't stop!"



"I dare you to jump in one of their arms try to convince them that your their son from the future." I randomly blurt.

"What if they ask who's the mother?"

"Say you can't tell them or it may mess up their time line."

"O,k But you'll owe me 30 bucks!"

"That's fine by me!"

"Alright, Then I dare you to roll up to them on your stomach and shout random things!" Kyle dares

"Alright but, YOU'LL Owe me ten bucks!"

" Great! It's only ten away from my thirty!"

"I'd do it anyway but you already agreed so to late!"

He sighs as he mumble "Fine...."


I can't believe I agreed to this... But then again, When would we ever let a prank or dare go to waste? I think smirking to myself. I also can't believe i yelled at Kris for googling them... I did the same thing awhile ago... Oh well,

I thought who i was going to prank... From what I could tell, Ian, Mitch, Jerome, Quentin, Ty, Adam, Jason, and Tyler were walking around together. I decided to pull the prank on Mitch.

I put an innocent smile on my face through my hands up in the air and ran torwards mitch screaming

"DADDY!" I quickly reached mitch and jumped ontop of him. He surprisingly cought me.

"Daddy?!" they all question including mitch.

I nod my head frantically the innocent smile still on my face,

"You must have me confused for someone else." He says uncertain.

"No, I just wasn't born yet! I kinda stole Uncle Jerome's time machine." I say sheepishly looking at the floor.

"Time machine?!" Jerome shouts.

I nod frantically.

"So, If your Mitch's son, who's your mom?" Ian questions.

"I can't tell you," I say smiling at them.

"And why not?" they question

"It may mess up this time line." I say like it's the most obvous thing in the world.

"Can I atleast know your name?" Mitch asks.

"Call me mirai!" I say happily.

"As in, Japenese for future?" Ian questions.

I nod happily.

Luckily Kris saved me before they could question me further.

She slowly rolled up to them and hit Adam's legs efficiently getting his attention along with Team Crafteds.

"IMA WALRUS!!!" Kris screams with her eyes cross eyed as she claps her hands.

I couldn't help but laugh my arse off.

"Hahahahahahah!" The random outburst surprised Mitch and made him drop me. I landed on Kris with an

"Oomfph" From Kris as she starts to laugh with me. Soon were both rolling on the floor laughing. Team crafted utterly cunfused.

I get up and brush myself off. Still chuckling here and there.

"You owe me 20 bucks I don't know how much longer i could have kept that up." I say smirking at Kris'

she sighs and says,

"Fine." As she hands me 20 dollars

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here?" Ty asks.

"Oh, sorry. Let me introduce myself properly, My names Kyle and that's Kris." I say as kris waves Smirk still present on both our faces.

"So I'm not a father?" Mitch asks a hint of dissapointment in his voice.

"Nah, sorry friend." I say shaking my head in a no fashion.

"So that was all a show?" Ian asks.

"Weeell technically it was a dare..." Kris corrects

They all nod in understanding. A dare is a dare and you gotta do it no matter how stupid...

Kris then shoots her head torwards the clock. she then gasps as she says with her eyes wide.

"KYLE! We gotta go! Moms gonna kill us!" Kris shouts

My eyes also widen.

"Does this mean we can't go to game-stop?" I shout.

"Kyle!" Kris whines

"Ok! Ok! And you say I'm the eight year old!"

Kris chuckles at the comment

"Well, It's the only way to get you to listen."

"Thanks for telling me my weakness."

"Come on Kyle we got to go!" Kris shouts as she sprints torwards the mall door.

"WAIT FOR ME!!" I shout as I sprint after Kris

Vanishing from team crafted's view never to be seen again.


Hope you liked it! Wolfinators, just a little oneshot late at night At least you got something on this vacation of mine! I got bored and this idea seemed fantastic to me. And just to give you a little info about Kyle, Kyle is my little brother you see, he's two and this is how I hope to raise him, aka introduce him to stuff I like, I'll respect whatever he likes but you know, A girls gotta hope!

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